I wasn't actually going to post today.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Say It Isn't So
Posted by Unknown at 12:27 PM 22 comments
Labels: What I Have Learned This Week
Monday, March 30, 2009
Note To Self:
When going to the pet store to buy $60 of pet food and training treats, it best to look at which silver debit card you are tying to use.
Posted by Unknown at 11:36 AM 16 comments
Labels: Silly Things I Do
Friday, March 27, 2009
Dear Bloggy buddies,
Posted by Unknown at 4:53 PM 9 comments
Labels: Silly Things I Do, tech stuff
Meeting CPQ
I knew three things would be true about the Carpoolqueen without benefit of speaking to her face face:
- Although she writes with great humor and friendly sarcasm, I had a hunch she also had great depth.
- I knew we would laugh, and have ease of conversation.
- I knew she would be generous...I was certain she would bring a gift.
I had anticipated this meeting all week and I was trying, with a great deal of effort, to play it cool. There is something about meeting somebody from the Internet, that say’s “be cool”.
You never know what a blogger might have in her lovely, green, leather handbag.
As we dined on my favorite Asian cuisine (I always order the same thing, she never gets the same thing twice), we immediately set into rich conversation. We sort of by-passed the niceties and went for the gold.
We talked about our kids and our husbands; Our churches, our friends, and of course our lives on the blogs.
We would flip from topic to topic without fully finishing each course; getting serious, lightening up.
Eventually we moved from the restaurant to the coffee house.
The rain poured while we sipped our lattes. She sat leaned back in her chair with great ease. I fidgeted and sat at the edge of my seat, leaning in on the table.
So different we are. And yet a lot alike.
I liked that.
Two and a half hours later they were shutting us down.
What is there to tell you about CPQ?
She is adaptive and amenable.
I was a bit worried because I often have periods of time when I am burdened with thoughts that swirl in my head. By nature I am a deep thinker, never more so than when I have these contemplative times.
I’m on the tail end of one of those stages right now, and last night I was easily distracted. I left feeling like I wished I had talked less and listened more, especially when I would literally forget what I was saying in the middle of a sentence. CPQ in her calm, flexibility, seemed to take my flighty brain all in stride. She even remembered what I was talking about so I could finish a sentence.
She’s smart. Not just book smart, but life smart.
She loves the Lord, and desires to live authentically for Him.
She is funny. I laughed with her as she teased me over brown rice and non-fat lattes. I love the camaraderie of friendly teasers.
She is personable. We met an eclectic group of knitters having some girl time over yarn and coffee. CPQ immediately engaged them about octopus legs and meeting times, all with friendly ease.
She’s the real deal. Someone I am so grateful to have the chance to meet and to get to know better. Someone I am happy to call Amiga (she’s also bilingual).
And I am not just saying these things because she brought me a present:

This is a cheesy picture of me and my new stash of Tim Horton’s Coffee. I drank a half a pot of this delicious draft and will say, I’m actually sorry she’s generous. Because now I am going to have to get me a secret Horton Hook-up, to supply my caffeine needs.
There are a thousand other things I could say, like how we were giddy with excitement as Mer and Gretchen tweeted and emailed from the other side of the nation. Or about the sweet college girls that helped us take really good pictures, in really bad lighting. And how they made us roll our eyes laugh with their youthful lists of lingerie. Or about the lady who wore a hat with three-corners…but I need to wrap up this post because I am dying to know what CPQ wrote about this night.
So, CPQ, it was so fun to meet you IRL. Can't wait to do it again soon.
La Vida Dulce!
Posted by Unknown at 10:16 AM 12 comments
Labels: IRL
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Guiltlessy Taking a Break
I closed the school down for today and tomorrow in hopes of gaining some much needed control on my home.
Posted by Unknown at 9:08 AM 10 comments
Labels: Silly Things I Do
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wednesday's Weird Ways
Things have been a little heavy around La Vida Dulce (or at least my heart has felt heavy), so let's lighten things up, shall we?
Posted by Unknown at 9:39 AM 16 comments
Labels: Wednesday Weird Way
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What I Have Learned This Week: Its Not About Me
I learned this week that opportunity isn't about a title, a job, or a pat on the back.
Posted by Unknown at 7:54 AM 16 comments
Labels: What I Have Learned This Week
Monday, March 23, 2009
Monday Update
Sometimes I feel like I write about stuff on this blog with the intention of coming back and giving you an update. Then time marches on, or I get distracted by a bright shiny object, and I forget.
So here is an update, and a few random things I wanted to tell you:
- My mom made it through her surgery on Wednesday with flying colors. You could still pray for her if you think of it because now she will have to go through the process of trying to figure out how to live without her thyroid. People do it every day, but finding just the right amount of medication that she needs will be a process. She is ready to feel better.
- Her surgery day proved to be a very difficult day for me. I have often missed being home on a holiday or special day. But not being able to be there when she went in for surgery was tough. My mom and I have had a close mother/daughter relationship. There have been times, here and there, when we have had our moments, you know, back in that days before I had children and thought she didn’t really know much. Somehow, after I had children all the stupid things she did when I was a kid, suddenly seemed amazingly smart…Who knew! (obviously not me) What I am saying is that my mom and I talk on a daily basis. Having a 24 hour period in which I couldn’t communicate with her (whether it was to tell her that I found a cute pair of shoes, or that one of her precious grandchildren just brought a wild reptile in the house) made me remember that when God was passing out Mothers on the day I was born, He gave me a good one.
- I forgot to tell you that The Girl was at a horse riding lesson two weeks ago and had a little mishap. The horse she was riding stepped into a hornets nest and proceeded to go wild as the hornets stung her (the horse's) face and rump. The Girl managed to hold on for dear life, but it was definitely a “learning experience.”
- Speaking of learning experiences, I have decided that I am going to paint my kitchen cabinets white. The Mister has also told me that I can purchase the sink and faucet I want (I am nothing if not s-p-o-i-l-e-d), so that project will be started the first day of summer vacation. Anyone wanna help?
- Why is it that when it isn’t convenient to me I can think of a hundred thing I want to post, but when I am here, sitting quietly in The Nest, my mind suddenly goes blank?
- I get to meet the Carpoolqueen this week! I am very excited and wondering what I should wear? This really is an important decision, because before we dive into a cup of coffee and talk about the perils of life beyond the computer, I want her to know I do actually wear things other than my pajama’s.
- Although wouldn’t it be funny if I met her in my PJ’s?
OK I should wrap this up.
Happy Monday!
Posted by Unknown at 7:21 AM 12 comments
Labels: random thoughts
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Oh Goodness, the kids get to post
I must preface this by saying three things: First, this was hard for The Girl, she was very concerned with hurting my feelings. When I assured her that it was OK, and I wouldn't be hurt she let things be honestly known. The Boy did not feel such pressure. Second, I asked the kids these questions independantly, so as to not have them influence each other. Third, I want to, for the purposes of clarification, say that The Mister and I are a very playful couple. I thought about changing one answer in particular, but it's the truth; the unfiltered, playful truth.
With that said, here is the gut-wrenchingly honest look at Kellie the Coffeegal through the eyes of her children. The Girl's answers are in pink. The Boy's in blue.
1. What is something your mom always says to you?
To wake up in the morning.
2. What makes your mom happy?
When the house is clean
3. What makes your mom sad?
When her plants die when she tries to grow them.
When babies are sick.
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
When she laughs and I don't even know what she's laughing about.
When we are cooking and I grate cheese and she says to "Be careful, we don't want finger bits in the there"
5. What was your mom like as a child?
Probably responsible since she took care of her brothers a lot.
6. How old is your mom?
7. How tall is your mom?
5 feet
5 foot something
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Hang out with me
Go to Starbucks
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
Watches stuff and folds laundry
Probably do things that she can't do with us, like take a shower, or go to parties.
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
A famous singer.
11. What is your mom really good at?
Playing the guitar and singing, and loving me.
Taking care of us, being a mom
12. What is your mom not very good at?
I don't want to say cause it will make you sad. (I won't be sad, just say it) You don't go outside with us very much.
Be a mom.
14. What is your mom's favorite food?
Liver (no its not). Smoothies.
15. What makes you proud of your mom?
That she loves us and cares for us.
That she's my mom.
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
The Road Runner, you know the one that says,"Beep Beep"
17. What do you and your mom do together?
Have movie night and go out with each other on Fridays. And take care of Sophie.
Go shopping (sometimes for clothes)
18. How are you and your mom the same?
We both sing good and love each other and we do everything together.
We both hate it when Kona rolls in poop, and we're both funny and good at cooking.
19. How are you and your mom different?
She works out and I don't, and she LOVES every vegetable in the world, and I don't
My little toe is different than hers (she doesn't have pinky toe nails.)
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Because she care for me and kisses me and hugs me when I am sad.
All sorts of different ways. She tucks me in at night, and today she let me eat four muffins. She also just tells me she loves me.
21. What does your mom like most about your dad?
He's handsome and cute and lovable. Not one of those stuck up guys. He's a nice guy.
That he spanks her.
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
Cracker Barrel
Posted by Unknown at 5:46 AM 22 comments
Labels: meme
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Top O' The Morning To Ya'll!
How did you like my southern/Irish accent this morning?
Posted by Unknown at 9:32 AM 15 comments
Labels: Silly Things I Do, St. Patricks Day
Monday, March 16, 2009
Cupcake Profiling
I was in desperate need of something to fill space on the blog this morning. I was looking for some sort of meme, but there isn't a whole lot going around right now.
You Are a Vanilla Cupcake |
![]() You are drawn to those stronger personalities. You get along with powerful people. You are like a cupcake because you appeal to almost every type of person. You are friendly and accepting. You bring out other people's best qualities. |
Posted by Unknown at 7:50 AM 14 comments
Labels: Silly Things I Do
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Random Poll: Re-Occurring Dream
Its raining here. A cold, steady rain that is forcing me back and forth to the coffee pot.
Posted by Unknown at 12:00 PM 12 comments
Labels: Random Poll
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Time Warp
I had managed to sail through the time change like a champion.
Posted by Unknown at 9:48 AM 6 comments
Labels: random thoughts
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
10 on 10
Posted by Unknown at 8:59 AM 22 comments
Labels: 10 for 10
Monday, March 09, 2009
A Little Help From My Friends
I have about 2354 things swirling in my head.
I'd love any ideas you have on party planning and hospitality. I'd love any pointers you have on traditions, family time, children. . the things on which you don't compromise when it comes to parties, events, coffee time with friends.I'd love your input on not only hospitality and the like--but on raising children, walking with the Lord, decorating my home, sewing--you get the idea
Posted by Unknown at 2:13 PM 13 comments
Labels: Calling Back
Friday, March 06, 2009
Call Back
If you have gone a little way ahead of me, call back--
Call back, and tell me that He went with you into the storm;
Oh, friend, call back, and tell me for I cannot see your face;
But if you'll say He heard you when your prayer was but a cry,
Posted by Unknown at 5:27 AM 8 comments
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Random Thoughts From Kellie's Brain...(4th ed.)
OK, so its Thursday night and I have to cram because I won't be getting on the computer tomorrow. I also want to pre-schedule a post to go up for tomorrow, so i have to type fast.
Posted by Unknown at 8:05 PM 16 comments
Labels: random thoughts
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Need More Prayer **Updated**
Posted by Unknown at 7:58 AM 20 comments
Labels: prayer
Monday, March 02, 2009
Because I Can't Wait Until Tomorrow
It has been the most fun morning!
Here is The Boy sledding down the hill, which was quite steep and ended in that big pile of cold mud down there. Had I not been literally covered in mud when we got home I would have had the presence of mind to take a picture of myself. But I didn't, the thrill of sledding with youth and the wonderful feeling of cold air in the lungs sort of made me loose my mind for a minute. Or two.
Posted by Unknown at 1:00 PM 10 comments