My mom had never seen the Atlantic before so we packed up on Tuesday and headed for the beach. It was relatively warm (61 degrees) but obviously too cold get a tan for New Year' s Eve. The weather didn't stop the kiddos from getting wet!
On Wednesday morning we got up early to watch the sunrise...having grown up near the west coast where the sun sets on the ocean it was fun to see the sun rise on the ocean.
As I was sitting on the 5th floor balcony of our hotel room, watching the sun rise and drinking coffee a bunch of dolphins came to catch some breakfast. They were incredibly close to the shore! It was amazing!
La Vida Dulce!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Christmas on the Beach
Posted by Unknown at 9:56 AM 1 comments
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Many merry Christmases, friendships, great accumulation of cheerful recollections, affection on earth, and Heaven at last for all of us.
~Charles Dickens
Posted by Unknown at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Our Christmas Story - Part 3
Let's start with a story...I found this story but it did not give the name of the author. Please note I did not write this story!
Christmas in Prison
During the time when trouble with the Communists was first beginning to be a problem in China, two missionaries were returning from a preaching trip when they were captured. It was Christmas Eve and they had been hurrying, hoping to spend Christmas Day with their families. The captors stripped them of all their belongings, including their Bibles, and put them in a small room together, forbidding them to speak to each other. The men did not know whether they would be allowed to live through the night, whether or not the captors would kill them, and they worried for their families who did not know where they were. The night passed and early on Christmas morning, one of the men had an idea. While the guard was looking the other way, he pulled bits of straw out of his mattress and spelled out the word "Emmanuel." His friend looked at the letters and his face lit up. Emmanuel - God with us. God was with them even in prison. This communication lifted the men's spirits and they were able to wait out the remainder of their imprisonment in peace and joy. After the men were released and reunited with their families, this Christmas became their most memorable. They had learned that the importance of Christmas is not that we are with our families - although that is wonderful - but it is that God is with us - God sent His Son to earth to be with us.
This story encourages me! Christmas carries so much emotion and sometimes those emotions, (although very real when we're feeling them!) can side track us from the truth of Emmanuel - God with us.
Like Christmas 6 years ago. Being 8 months pregnant we couldn't travel to Arizona but I wasn't sad about it because we were celebrating our first Christmas in our new house (and first home) and I knew that my parents would be coming to see me when the baby came. The Boy was a cute as could be. I was carrying new life! Life was good! The emotions I felt were joy, love, and cheer! We can add those to our list from Part 1.
But sometimes those emotions aren't always happy.
Like the year when I was 18. We had had a family crisis that brought 17 years of Christmas celebration with extended family to a screaming halt. That year my parents, brothers and I celebrated Christmas alone. At the time, I felt responsible for all the ugliness that resulted in this separation. And although I felt grateful that I wasn't completely alone that Christmas the emotions I felt that year were fear, rejection, loneliness, and grief. And I assume that my family had similar feelings. That year the emotions would not allow me to see past my circumstances.
How I wish I knew then what I know now. I wish the 33 year old Kellie could go back to that 18 year old and say: "Emmanuel! Kellie. God is with you! God is with your family! You have a future!"
Do you know someone who needs to hear that this season?
Perhaps it is you?
Maybe your circumstances are awesome this year. For instance things are going well for my little family this year. We anticipate my parents’ arrival this weekend and things at the moment are going very well (and I can't resist saying I have a new baby nephew who is just perfect!)
However, I know that I could have remembered "Emmanuel-God with me." When I was trying to find a parking spot among those crazy Christmas drivers!
Perhaps we might remember "Emmanuel- God with us." when we travel long distances with small children and the family pet. Maybe it's when we are relating with family members who are a little more difficult.
I don't know where you are "emotionally" this year...some may be filled with joy and excitement and some maybe struggling...but we can be comforted when we remember:
Emmanuel. God is with us.
He was there in our past.
He will be there in our future.
He is with us now.
Two days ago I gave a definition for a baby. Here is a revised definition:
The Baby King
He was born in a stable, the smallest member of the barn. He was born there at the perfect time, to make love stronger, the home assured, the past forgiven and the future worth living for.
He is Emmanuel. - which means "God with us."
Merry Christmas!
Posted by Unknown at 8:53 AM 2 comments
Friday, December 23, 2005
Our Christmas Story - Part 2
I love it that through scripture we can take a trip to the past, to gather hope for the future!
Yesterday our definition for a baby was that “he makes the past forgotten and the future worth living for”. Today we will see that the message of Emmanuel, Jesus, the baby King, is that “He makes our past FORGIVEN, and the future worth living for.”
The infant Christ gives us a future worth living for because when we make a choice to believe that he is the Son of God, who was sent to free us from sin, then we will get the privilege to someday celebrate His birth in heaven, God’s home, sitting at His table, sharing Christmas with Him face to face!
Home…another word we can add to our list of words that describe what Christmas means to us.
You’ve heard the words, “I’ll be home for Christmas…If only in my dreams”. As my little family has literally moved across the country in the last 10 years I have had to re-think and re-adjust my concept of “home”. When someone asks me where I am from I sometimes struggle. I am an Arizonian by birth, I love Texas, I am raising two little natural born Texans, and I have a growing love of the Southeast. Home to me is where my family is…but even that is hard as my family is scattered! Home is a soft place to land. For me that’s being in the presence of those whom I love. What if my parents no longer lived in Arizona? Would Arizona still be home?
I have come to realize that home is a place of heart. Here is what helps me when I struggle with the concept of Home:
“But our citizenship is in heaven.” Philippians 3:20
God’s Word says that for those who choose to believe in Christ our citizenship is in heaven. Arizona is where I was born, but it is not my home. When our family moves on from our little corner in the southeast my heart will break. I will grieve as I did 9 years ago when my parents dropped us off at the airport bound for Texas. I will feel “homesick” as I still feel now for Texas. But this baby called Emmanuel gives me, and you, a future worth living for! And it’s bigger than Arizona…and if you can believe it…it’s bigger than Texas! (Do I hear an Amen?!)
The future worth living for is eternity in God’s home.
We can anticipate a grand Christmas with Christ because right before he was about to be arrested, beaten and crucified he speaks to his disciples and says:
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”
Christ is saying, “Trust me!” There is a future for you!” Our future promise: Emmanuel- God with us!
When we choose to believe that that sweet baby King is who He says He is we become royalty in Him. He gives us a future worth living for in heaven, where we will celebrate His birth and life and sacrifice with Him!
It is OK to anticipate and look forward to it! As a matter of fact is meant to give us great encouragement. We can learn from Abraham, known for his great faith in the Lord. He was asked by God to leave the land of his father. He packed up his family, left the only home he ever knew and lived life believing God was who He said He was. And in the book of Hebrews we are reminded that Abraham anticipated the day when he and his family would all finally live in their true “home”.
… for he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. - Hebrews 11:10
The idea of anticipating the future reminds me of the first 5K I ran. My friend Jenifer and I were very excited. The weather was perfect, the adrenaline was pumping and all was going very well. Around the first mile we finally had an even pace and we felt good. All of a sudden a boy around the age of 15 realized his shoelace were loose, so instead of running to the side of the road, he squats down right in front of me to tie his laces. I had to do some split second thinking and hurdled this youngster! Then at about the second mile I realized that buying new running shoes three days before the race was probably not the best choice I had ever made. They were starting to rub blisters on the bottoms of my feet. But we ran on. Having a third of the last mile left I was beginning to get really tired. About this time Jenifer started to really pick up her pace. I, not wanting to be dusted, picked up to keep up! I say, “Goodness Jen, you really saved your energy for this last bit didn’t you?” To which she replied, “No. Actually, I am getting pretty tired. But I know that finish line is just around this next corner.”
This little 5K race packed big lessons for me. Jen kept the end goal in mind. She let it encourage her, motivate her, and helped her to finish strong. Isn’t life just like a marathon? Everything is great and things are going just as we had planned; then suddenly we have to navigate over unexpected hurdles. Sometimes we make choices that cause “blisters” in life, things that may cause a little (or a lot!) of pain, and we have to live with the consequences of those decisions. Sometimes we just get tired, and we want to quit. But this is when we must remember our future! Run with the future in mind!
We can run the race knowing that because of Christ we have an assured future.
Christmas Future – An eternal home where we will live the
Posted by Unknown at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 22, 2005
How The Christmas Story ...
Peace, Family, Hope, Love, and Traditions
Just to name a few.
I also have a few one-word descriptions that pop into my head as we approach this exciting time of year. I will be adding them to our list as we go along.
As I sat down to pray and study for this devotional I began to have a Charles Dickens sort of theme begin to run in my head. I began to reminisce about the joys, and sometimes heartache, of Christmas’ past. As I studied I began to get excited about Christmas Future. Yet I am also aware that this is December 2005, it is important to be grounded and truly living in the present.
One of my very first thoughts (that I will add to our list) when I think about Christmas is: Baby. This has always been a focus for me because I have had a great love for babies for as long as I can remember! Growing up we had a very small manger scene that I used to play with. It had glass figurines of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. My favorite piece of that manger scene was always the baby Jesus. There is just something incredibly hopeful, sweet and new about a baby.
I found this definition about babies:
A baby is a small member of the home that makes love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, the bankroll smaller, the home happier, the clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.
If you are a parent you know this is true! Mary and Joseph could probably shake their head in agreement with this statement and yet they knew that this baby King, named Jesus, was a promise fulfilled by God.
Which bring us to:
Christmas Past - Emmanuel God with Us
I love the book of Isaiah. I often find myself there in times when I need encouragement. Perhaps this is because Isaiah was known as the prophet of redemption. He spoke of Christ’s birth long before He was born. God used Isaiah to foretell the future of what was to come. In Chapter 7 we see Isaiah encouraging Ahaz, the King of Judah, whose enemies are plotting to over throw him. God has told Isaiah that this plot will not be carried out but Ahaz must stand firm. The Lord says to Ahaz in verse 10 of the Seventh Chapter:
Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz, “Ask the Lord your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.”
Here we see that God is saying: Ahaz! from the depths to heights I am with you!
Ahaz refuses to ask. But God in his perfect plan and mercy gives him a sign anyway. Through Isaiah these words are spoken:
“ Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel” –Isaiah 7:14
This is the fun part…Now we get to flip to the bible to Matthew 1 and take a peek at how the future for Ahaz and the house of King David is to perfectly unfold.
18 this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. 19 Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.
20 But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 23 “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel”—which means, “God with us.”
Emmanuel. God with us.
God’s Word is trustworthy. We can believe Him. When we see things that were predicted in Scripture past, it is always fulfilled in the future. I love the richness of the words of God that we have just read. It reminds me that long before Christ came as a tiny babe we can see God had a plan. It was not hidden from Ahaz and his people- nor is it hidden from us. God’s plan of salvation was born in a stable. So that plain, unroyal people like you and me could approach him and receive the gift that came in swaddling clothes.
Tomorrow: Christmas Future!
Posted by Unknown at 8:09 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
School Teachers Aren't Paid Nearly Enough
I feel a little frazzled.
I have just returned from the Holiday Parties at the kids school.
I am now drinking Diet Coke in an attempt to calm my nerves. (You know it's an addiction when you drink it to feel "normal")
There is nothing like volunteering on one of the most crazy days of the year. The kids are already wild with excitement. Then a bunch of the "fun" parents think it's really cool to load them up with sugar and then see how many of them can explode from all the sugar generated energy. (today the sugar was served in all forms-- from candy to Mountain Dew! What were they thinking?) All while the teachers have these looks on their faces that are somewhere between cheer and pure exhaustion.
This afternoon I will peel The Boy down from the ceiling and look forward to the next few days of hanging out together before all the holiday excitement begins. Tomorrow we will bake!
On a side note, a couple weeks ago I was asked to speak for the Woman's Annual Christmas Party at our church. I put together a little devotional about Christmas. I thought I would post it in three parts, over three days(starting tomorrow) here in the blog. I hope you enjoy it. I feel much better...writing a little bit and drinking Diet much cheaper than therapy.
Posted by Unknown at 3:57 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 19, 2005
You Know Your Old When....
...your son comes home from school a little disappointed with a toy that he received from the class "goodie box". It's a key chain with a small Rubik's Cube attached to it.
Actually, the "goodie" pick on Friday is a "blind" grab of sorts. It's part of the good behavior reward system. You manage to stay out of trouble all week and then you get to pick out of the goodie box, only there is a catch: you can't see what you pick. And what you pick is what you get.
This week he picked out a pink bracelet, and a girl in his class picked the key chain. They traded to save themselves the embarrassment of unfortunate picking.
The Boy was still not thrilled.
After school, when he gets in the car, he says with little energy "look what I got from the goodie box."
I say, with excitement "AH! A Rubik's Cube!!! Cool!"
And he looks at me with a look that is a cross between disbelief and wondering if he has all my DNA.
I say, "Those were very popular when I was a kid."
To which he answers, "What is it?"
"It's like a puzzle"
Then after he twists and turns it for awhile he says "Does it come apart?" (this is where I realize that, yes, the DNA is all there)
What I Say: "Yes, but that's kind of like cheating."
What I think: (Actually it's kind of hard to take them's much easier to take the stickers off and place them back in order.)
"So this was a game you played when you were a kid?"
"Yup. Everyone had a Rubik's Cube." I even had a Chuck E Cheese one.
"Wow. "
"Was this in the old days when all those TV shows were black and white?"
Posted by Unknown at 7:34 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
High Noon on Wednesday
It is 12:07 and it is 28 degrees outside.
Need I say more?
Posted by Unknown at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Tamale Time: A day in pictures
7am: After cooking the meat in the crock all night I stumbled down the stairs to chop it up and give it some flavor. Notice that I do not yet have that First Morning Coffee look yet...
8am: G. grabs an apron and learns the finer points of masa making.
Next year she is going to make them and I am going to stay in bed.
Do not miss the irony in this photo...although you cannot see the rest of this breakfast table, I am the ONLY one sitting at it making tamales. The hubby was upstairs resting from his eventful Friday (for another blog), the kids were outside (except when Austin stopped in to take this pic). Why is this ironic? Because I spent many years dissapearing during the rolling of the tamales. But at least I was on the phone.
And 2pm: The finished product!
La Vida Dulce!
Posted by Unknown at 8:54 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
The Trials of a Pet Owner or If you are a Dog Lover...Look the Other Way
When I started this blog I had no idea that I would spend so much time writing about the family pet.
Kona, our (once) beloved dog, is about to find herself "lost" (if you know what I mean).
Now, before all those animal activist that I call friends get their britches in a wad, Kona is alive and well....and whining at the door to the office as I type. But my feelings for this dog are starting to wane.
What would the doggie experts say?: She runs away because she wants friends. She rolls in poop because it is fun. She brings in pinecones and leaves the crumpled remains all over the living room because she needs something to chew on. She sneaks food off of people's plates because she was never sent to obedience school. And she runs all over you because you let her walk in the door ahead of you too many times and now she thinks she is the Alpha dog. What she needs is firm training, gentle love and a good rawhide bone. By the way, this is all your fault.
What do I say: She needs some swift action with an electric collar.
Last night she ran away again. She was gone for several hours and then came home, by way of the neighbor who brought her home on a leash. She was covered in poop. She spent the night kenneled up...looking very sad and smelling like...well, you know.
At 9:30 this morning in 33 degree weather (by the way, that is VERY cold) I took that little pooch outside and she had a bath. Of course everything outside has already been winterized so I had to uncover the water spout, find a hose in the garage, and find the spray nozzle. My hands were purple, my teeth were chattering and now my house smells like wet dog.
Quite frankly, pet ownership is a pain in the rear.
Posted by Unknown at 12:18 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 01, 2005
A Mother's Pride
In motherhood there are sometimes opportunities to make you feel like you are doing a good job being a mother.
If your a mother you know what I mean.
You spend minutes, days, weeks and years teaching them so they will be wise and knowledgeable. And that moment comes quickly and unexpectedly.
It's that moment when your kids does or says the right thing... and you, for a brief shining moment, can act like it was all because of your fine parenting skills.
It's a moment that the angels sing and you have to wipe a tear of happiness from the eye...
This moment happened just this morning on our way to school.
The Boy was trying to tell me about a gift he might buy his teacher. He couldn't think of quite the right word so he asked "What is a high heel?"
The Girl, with great excitement in her eyes says "It's a shoe!!!".
The Boy says " No, that's not what I was thinking of."
The Girl says "Was it a pump? A sandal?"
"Was it a clog? An open toe?"
"A boot? A mule? Mary Jane's?"
"Cut it out! It isn't a shoe! I am not thinking about shoes, OK?"
The Girl's reply:
"Well I am ."
That's my girl.
Posted by Unknown at 10:00 AM 4 comments
Friday, November 25, 2005
Those Darn Commercials
I have to admit I am a sucker for commercials and ads.
There is a Hallmark commercial out this year...they get me everytime...
To see the one that has got me this year go to
Under the Crown Stores column click the "commercial" link; then click the "Now and Then :Featuring the Christmas Plate" commercial.
It's too much...
On a less weepy note:
We are so thankful here...Thanksgiving was great. We baked and cooked and walked and ran around the yard and enjoyed a warm(er) day of 62 degrees! We played Uno and the Cranium Family fun Game and ate about 2.3 pounds of the 19.5 lb. bird I made! (We will be eating turkey for a while.) We all watched a movie and then tucked ourselves into bed for a well earned slumber.
La Vida Dulce!
Posted by Unknown at 7:50 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Thanksgiving Eve
Happy Thanksgiving Eve!
Not only is it the Mr.'s Birthday, but this is the day that I love! All the preparation before the BIG DAY! I spend a good portion of the day baking and preparing for tomorrow. I am already listening to Christmas CD's and my house smells of Garlic and yeast rolls.
But the BEST part of this day is that today is the day that I get to get my Turkey drunk.
Yes, I intoxicate my turkey...And this makes me giggle every year. I make a joke of how soaking in a beer brine will help the turkey to feel less pain as he slowly cooks tomorrow. My long enduring husband, who has heard this same joke for 10 years, will smile like he has never heard it before and play along saying, "Yes, Honey, I am sure he will like that MGD as his last 'Hurrah'....only probably not as much as I would have enjoyed it." (Happy Birthday Honey!)
Happy Thanksgiving Eve!
Posted by Unknown at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Tree's, Being Lost, and Long Underwear
It is officially cold.
Literally overnight all the trees dropped their leaves. Last Saturday we spent about 3 hours sweeping the area around our house and raking up the yard, pushing leaves into the "woodsy" part of the yard. We felt so accomplished until Wednesday... when a large of gust of wind came through, followed by a little rain. When I woke up on Thursday the trees were completely naked and our yard, driveway and deck looked as if we hadn't swept since last Spring!
This "shedding of the leaves", if you will, means only one is cold. And this desert rat has a tough winter-time reality to face...I am going to freeze my keister off.
Unfortunately this has effected my poor children. The Kindergarten teacher has had to send a note home to me, not once, but twice because "we still go to the playground on cold days, please send your child to school with a jacket". The second note said "You don't live in the desert anymore, between October and March it will be frigid here (even if there is an occasional "warm" day). Your kid needs a jacket so that she doesn't go outside and turn purple and have to be sent to the nurse to treat frost bite. What kind of mother are you anyway?"
I am exaggerating...but that second note did get my attention.
On Saturday my running buddy and I went for a run at 7:00 am. It was 27 degrees. I actually had to put on long underwear, running pants, gloves, two shirts, a running jacket and a "keep-your-ears-warm-headband-thing" and I was still so cold that running was actually enjoyable....mostly because my legs were so chilled that I couldn't feel them. It was like running with a spinal block. The only downer was that my friend and I almost broke out in a sweat trying to communicate with each other... our lips were numb. It is very hard to run when you can't talk. We managed to talk but it was slow...we ran 4 miles but the conversation was only about 2 miles worth...
Which bring me to another crazy seasonal changing problem. Every time the season changes, the landscape changes, and I end up getting lost and having to find my way through a new city all over again. Thankfully we are rounding out through the last season of change before we start our second year here. So I will now know what everything looks like Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall. At least now I have friend here who has lived here all her life and doesn't mind me calling her in a pinch. I like to think of it as a "Win-Win" situation. I get to where I am going and she gets a good laugh for the day. These (weekly, or so) phone calls go kind of like this: "Hey, I am trying to find out where the Jacket Store is to get an acceptable coat for my daughter who is currently at school turning purple... I thought I could find it without my Mapsco, but because all the leaves have changed and fallen to the ground all my landmarks have been changed...where the heck am I going? By the way, is it always so cold this time of year?"
So, if you don't see a post for awhile it's either because my fingers are frozen and i can't type, or I fell over during a run and can't get up because I look like a Stay-Puff Marshmallow in all my winter running gear (and having frozen lips can't call for help) or I am bundled up in my queen sized, "cookie monster" blue, heating blanket,turned up to DESERT HEAT HOT...and will be there 'til March.
Posted by Unknown at 8:26 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 13, 2005
New Alarm Clock
Now that the temperature has gotten close to freezing each night we have a new boarder in our house. He sneaks in through the outside vent holes that lead from the outside into the attic above our garage. Then he squeezes himself between the tiny two inch crack that lies between the attic pull down door, that sags (just a bit) from the ceiling. His name? Mr. Mockingbird.
We don't mind housing birds at all. As a matter of fact we have the sweetest pair of wren's that make the eves of our front porch into there fine casa each night. They fly in around dark and place there little beaks into the corner (we think there might be issues because they sleep in separate corners) and sleep til dawn promises to break. When I get up in the morning it is often before the moon has set, yet that sweet couple has already started their day....the early bird you know...
But back to Mr. Mockingbird. This bird is not as quiet as the Wren couple. As a matter of fact, when the mocking bird is outside he mimics the sounds of the other birds in the neighborhood which is beautiful and melodic. But the sound he chooses to mimic in our closed garage at precisely 6:15 each morning is the exact sound of a car alarm...and I am being very serious.
We laughed the first morning. How fun is it that it can mimic the exact sound of a car alarm? But on the weekends we are not amused. Now, not only does it sound off and let us know that it is awake and ready to be let loose, but it perches on the window sill inside the garage and watches the door to see if I am awake and going to come out and open the garage. I know this because I get up and watch him through a window that looks into the garage. This bird is no dummy. He points his beak up into the air, takes in a deep breath, sounds his alarm loud enough for people in Florida to hear and then looks over at the door with a look in his eye that says "I should only have to do this once."
He's got me trained.
But in my defense, I make him wait until I have poured my cup of coffee.
Posted by Unknown at 7:28 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 11, 2005
The Story of Being 33
I have found emancipation in being 33! It's made me daring and brave.
For instance, when I went to a restaurant the other day I didn't order the same thing that I have ordered since I was 10 years old. As a kid my parents would laugh at me, and make bets with each other over what I would order. Inevitably I would order the Turkey Club (no Mayo), where upon I would receive my order and proceed to pull out the bacon, the middle piece of bread and the ham (which by the way...why, when it is called a turkey club, do they insist on putting in ham?). This routine made my "turkey club" a dry Turkey sandwich.. So, when I ordered my lunch the other day and branched out from my usual order I thought to myself--Must be the "33 Factor".
This is true with others things as well. For my birthday my mom gave me a gift certificate for some shoes I had been looking at: they are Red, a little funky, and I love them. I haven't owned a pair of red shoes since I was like 5... So two days ago, I was wearing jeans and a maroon shirt and I thought to myself --These red shoes don't exactly match what I am wearing. But then I decided, I am 33 years old...who cares?
Well today I made another 33 year old decision...
I am going to make tamales for Christmas.
I know, I know... My dad will say "You always managed to find something else to do on the weekends we made tamales." And yes, I have a history of bailing...there was even that one year when I was dating that sweet man of mine; He came over to help with the tamales and I managed to sneak away. My Brother will say "Is this such a great idea? Do you not remember that year when you burnt 12 pounds of the Masa?" (note: the masa isn't supposed to be cooked until the tamale is already rolled with meat and placed in the pot to be cooked together!) My mom will laugh and say, "Make sure you get it done before we get there to visit. The mess is amazing....and I know messes. We have made tamales for 30 years together... plus, I raised three kids." My youngest brother will say "Cool. Send me some."
Maybe this decision comes from being 33, or maybe it comes from a desire to establish traditions in our home that creates a place of belonging and creates a centerpiece where stories are born. It's a fact that parents want to give their kids what they never had, and I am no exception. But being 33 also makes me think that I want to give my kids what I did have...traditions.
So, look for the blog sometime around Christmas when I write about my first attempt at tamale making. Having grown up in a house where tamales are a tradition, it is common knowledge that where there are tamales being made, there's always a story!
Posted by Unknown at 8:53 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
A Letter From The Dog
Kellie and I have talked about your great frustration over my intense need to roll in poop. I know this causes you a great deal of anger and I am sorry. Per my conversation with my co-owner, your beloved wife, we will do our best to keep on a leash so that I am not tempted to run away (although I have a compulsion that I cannot control...since I am a canine...and although I am exceptionally bright, I am a little lacking in practical matters).
However, there are a number of dogs that run around our large yard (which, by the way, I thank you for) who tend to do their own business...and although I have agreed to the leash terms I cannot guarantee that I will never be tempted roll in disgustingness when it is lying around our acre.
Also, in my conversation with that lady who does her best to keep me fed and watered, she mentioned that she hates it that she had a tiff with you first thing in the morning and had to send you off to work in such haste. She sincerely hopes that you will forgive her.
Sorry for annoying you so much. I will try harder to be "man's best friend"...which I know is hard when I have "Ode de Feces" behind my ears.
Your pet,
PS: Early this morning I had a bath and am now bright and shiny, if not a little cold, and sitting in my kennel in the garage awaiting your homecoming. If I could I would have the paper and your slippers ready for you upon your arrival....but alas, I have been told that you have neither a subscription to the weekly paper nor a pair of slippers. I will make note of this and add it to my Christmas shopping list this year.
PPS: The Mrs. says she loves you...
Posted by Unknown at 6:11 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
This weekend we took the kids camping. The four of us and some new friends from church went camping in Central NC. Someone told me that North Carolina is God's country and after this weekend I am inclined to shout: I Believe! I Believe!
On Friday we loaded up and met our friends, a family of 8, and headed for Hanging Rock, NC.
After a fairly long, but beautiful, drive we arrived and my breath literally was taken away...and without trying to be dramatic (as some have accused me of being) I felt weepy. I could hardly believe that there could be so much color on the tree's! The photographs can't really give you the full picture of the awesome view.
The weather was amazing. We are experiencing a very late Indian Summer and the weather was perfect - warm in the day and chilly at night.
I really do love camping but must admit I was a little concerned about spend two nights in a tent, sleeping in the cold, eating food over a campfire with 8 children and three other adults, all while wearing no make-up and wearing camping clothes. But it was one the most fun and relaxing weekends we have had in a long time.
There something to be said about sitting around a campfire in the afternoon and doing NOTHING...thinking things like: Do I want to go for a hike and burn off the smores, cookies, hot dogs and chips from last night? Or do I want to sit here and talk with my friend about everything and nothing in particular for 2 hours (while eating something) because I never sit around and do NOTHING? Or should i say, I never sit around and do NOTHING legally. Meaning that I can choose to do nothing around here, but it always hangs over my head so I can't enjoy doing nothing....kind of like the days so long ago when I should've been doing my homework...but I digress...We had a lovely time and got to experience the fall leaves and it made my little family happy.
La vida dulce!
Disclaimer: Dad, I know you may have a thought or two about the attire of my youngest child...Although I am still loyal to my UofA heritage, when in Rome..... ;)
Posted by Unknown at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
I can't believe my favorite month is already over! Although it was incredibly eventful!
As a kid there was a song that I heard on my Mom's Barry Manilow record...and yes I do mean vinyl...that I always think about when October is over. I looked up the words on the internet and the fact that it is even more sappy than I remembered makes it even better!
When October Goes
And when October goes
The snow begins to fly
Above the smokey roofs
I watch the planes go by
The children running home
Beneath a twilight sky
Oh, for the fun of them
When I was one of them
And when October goes
The same old dream appears
And you are in my arms
To share the happy years
I turn my head away
To hide the helpless tears
Oh how I hate to see October go
I should be over it now I know
It doesn't matter much
How old I grow
I hate to see October go
But on the flip side...I wish you could see the leaves here. They are amazing. And trick or treating last night, it was actually cold, with dry leaves on the ground that rustled when we walked, and the smell of all the pumpkins and was very fun.
PS: Don't judge me 'cuz I have a soft spot for Barry...I can't help it...I was brain washed as a child. My Mom also listened to Willie Nelson, Barbra Striesand, and Anne Murray...and (just between you and me)I love them all too!
Posted by Unknown at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Country Living
We always dreamed of having a home in the country where our children would have the luxury of spending most of their time out doors instead of in front of the TV. And we are grateful that we are living that dream in an amazing way....
We have enjoyed sipping soda's on the deck and taking short walks over to the lake. We have listened to the wind blow through the pines and listened to the crickets chirp happily at sunset...
But there has been trouble around our friendly woods...
There is a large family that lives here in the country with us. The nasty Poison Family. They looked harmless enough...honestly we really hadn't even notice them, but they are there... hiding, and lurking about. Through reliable sources we have found they are completely, undeniably, unscrupulous and sneaky. They are despicably mean and they have a tendency to bite.
They are three little "Untouchables" by the names Ivy, Oak and Sumac. And they have overtaken our acre...and my firstborn child.
I was a little bothered when I saw them hanging around the driveway, but now they have messed with my baby...the war is on.
We won't be defeated! NO! We won't back away. We are ready and armed with "Weed-B-Gone" and Prednisone!
We are taking back our yard if it's the last things we do!
Posted by Unknown at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 21, 2005
A Happy, Happy birthday!
After having Jen in town and celebrating my birthday last weekend, I feel like I get to have a birthday two weekends in a row!
Today I am officially 33 years old and it was a great day...
I got to spend the day with my favorite man, shopping and hanging out. We had lattes at Starbucks, bought red shoes at REI, ate a yummy lunch, picked up the kids, had pizza for dinner and had my fave cake...Baskin Robbins ice cream cake: chocolate mint chip/chocolate cake flavor.
It was a great day...
I got lots of amazing gifts...but this was the best...
In the early morning darkness, dimly lit by a small lamp, wrapped in a blanket, drinking coffee, and reading at my little desk I heard a little one come creaking down the stairs. It was The Girl who was still warm in her cozy fall-time PJ's and shading her eyes from the light. She says "Happy Birthday, Mom" in a sweet quiet voice...she crawls into my lap for a minute then hops down and the says she'll be right back. A few seconds later she comes back with a piece of paper in her hands and announces, "Here's an early birthday gift for you..." and I reach out to receive the paper when she leans over, gives me the sweetest kiss on the cheek and quietly scampers out of the room, paper still in hand.
I also heard from many friends. How fun is it to come home from doing all that fun stuff and hear voice messages from people all over the country including new friends right here in town.
Have I mentioned it was a great day?
Someone asked me why I liked birthdays so much. She didn't really like birthdays...cuz it means you get older. My thought was that I love birthdays because it gives us a chance to be happy for someone, to be thankful, to be encouraged and to give a gift.. Whether it's a phone call, or a visit, or a kiss on the cheek. But what I said was "I grew up in a home where we enjoyed celebration. I like to celebrate."
And now I look forward to next years birthday...
On this day next year my family and i will be celebrating like never before...
'Cuz my youngest brother is FINALLY going to tie the knot with a gal we all think is pretty cool.
364 more days...the countdown is on.
Posted by Unknown at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 17, 2005
Pride...The Root of All Botched Eyebrows
There is a biblical saying that goes like this: Pride goes before destruction...Proverbs 16:18
And let me announce that it is always good to have a little bit of humility before one waxes her eyebrows.
About a year ago I decided that I was tired of paying someone almost $20 bucks to remove unsightly facial hair. I mean really, how hard can it be to put hot wax above your eyeballs and strip away unwanted strays...or in my case large strips that look like the gigantic, black, furry caterpillars my kids find in the face actually feels lighter afterward...some people take off their shoes when they weigh themselves...I wax my brows. But I digress....
I had been doing pretty good, if I don't say so myself (which is precisely where I got myself into trouble).
Today, I was in a rush. And I had been doing so well. I thought myself a pro...
Confession: I was beginning to think I could do this on other people...not anybody I know. Just some people I saw on TV or when I people watch at the mall, etc.
I now know why people actually go to school to learn this stuff and get paid big bucks to do then you can blame someone else when people ask why you look surprised in one eye all the time.
Oh well...the good news is that they most definitely will grow back...Do you think the Uni-brow will ever become fashionable?
Posted by Unknown at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Things I'm Grateful For...
I am known as a lover of "little" things. I love babies. I love coffee beans. I love a small price tag (like the running pants I bought on clearance at Target this weekend for $3.50). It doesn't take much to make me happy and often these "little things" fill my heart with gratitude that sometimes feels like it might be too much for me to heave around in this small chest of mine (no pun intended).
Like this weekend...I realized how much I like curbside drop off at the airport. And although i do not like the circumstances by which this curbside drop off became pretty much a mandatory thing...I have to say I am grateful that I do not have to walk my visitors to their gate and sit and wait for them to board the aircraft, and then sit and wait for it to we used to do in the "old-days" when everybody and their brother was allowed to enter the airport terminal.
I love curbside drop off because in a world that has become so aware of things like "denial" and "pain avoidance" I can drop off my visitors at curbside and avoid all the feelings that go along with saying goodbye...and get away with it.
By the way, if this blog was entitled Things I Hate....saying goodbye would be top on the list.This weekend, my sweet friend Jen came to help me celebrate an early birthday (also a "little thing" that I really do love!)
We had the greatest time doing "little things"... we did a little relaxing, a little shopping, a little eating, a little hiking, and most importantly, a lot of talking. Oh, and went to a real movie theater and saw a movie...which is a little something we always wanted to do in TX but never felt that we had the time...
So when you come to visit and I take you to the airport and I do a "Drop and Run" at the curbside of the can know that I miss you already...and can't wait til you come back.
Posted by Unknown at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 13, 2005
I think I may have invented a new extreme sport.
I have just spent the last two days doing nothing but laundry.
well, I did do other things but I literally did laundry...hauling, washing, drying, folding, (some ironing), hanging and putting away. I have sore muscles and lost 2 pounds....
Extreme could happen.
Posted by Unknown at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Kills Bugs Fast
This morning, after the kids were off to school and I was in the middle of some serious oatmeal eating and reading the paper on the internet, I notice something scurry across the foyer. After a second look I realized that a huge (about the size of a dime), black spider was hurrying off to find someplace nice to build a nest and have lots and lots of baby spiders in my first reaction was to holler for my seriously brave bug 8 year old son.
These are the times when I seriously consider homeschooling... that way I won't ever have to worry about being alone in the house with insects...or worse...Arachnids. But I was brave and found a nearby shoe and killed that spider in one hard swat and then I cleaned up the mess...which is also a gross task that he readily takes care of (and I might mention that my sweet, brave boy will not very often pick up after himself until he has killed a bug...then it is fun to clean up and inspect the fresh kill).
After this exciting adventure, and a few minutes of nice thoughts about the advantages of having a cool son, I thought that maybe I would blog about it...but then decided not to, in the event that someone may not know of my bug "issues" and think less of me.
But I was wrong to think I could hide such a flaw.
The Boy came home today and said that his class had written a book and everyone in the "whole school" was going to read it. He was so excited to show me his copy of this book. It was a photo copied copy, neatly bound with staples down the middle to make the spine.
The book is called "Helping With The Jobs". And it explains what everyone in the class does to help their parents at home. Some said they helped with laundry, some said they cleaned their room. One little boy said that he helped his Dad with the goats! After about 20 pages I asked The Boy when his page would come up...he said it would be soon...
The very last page of the book read:
The jig is up. I am afraid of bugs and I use my children to kill them.
Posted by Unknown at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Rabbit Rabbit!
In eighth grade I went to school with a girl whose family had a tradition to wake up on the first day of each month and race to see who could say "Rabbit Rabbit!" to each other first. Whoever said it first got some sort of prize. I think it is funny that I can't remember why or what they did this for but I still think to myself "Rabbit Rabbit" occasionally on the first of the month...weird.
Well, speaking of rabbits who are fast runners...You all have heard the story of the Tortoise and the Hare...
Just by the fact that my fingers are typing this blog you can assume that I have made it through the 10K. I actually did pretty well...for someone who is not a rabbit. My goal was to run the entire course...without walking. And I did meet that goal. My running partner and her two friends wanted to run it in under an hour. My goals were not that high! I just wanted to finish! At the last half mile or so the others decided to go ahead and try to make their goal of less than an hour and quickened their pace. So the last 1/2 mile I just kept going along... Slow and steady (think tortoise). But I didn't too bad. I made it in 1 hour and....drumroll please....1 minute. Not too shabby for this "jogger" girl. My running friends made it in just under an hour and met there goal as well. Of course this was a "club" run with only a handful of "non-club" members (that would be us!). The club is fairly serious with true "runners" who took this run like a stroll in the park and in under 40 minutes! And let me tell you when that 70 year old lady passed me by with nary a bead of sweat or a breath too long, I was humbled... and yet encouraged!
But I wasn't dead last...and I didn't walk.
But now after several weeks of training...I am walking for the next week! This ole' turtle needs a rest!
Posted by Unknown at 4:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
What Was I Thinking?
I have been running for several years now. Since The Girl was born. And I ran for exercise off and on throughout college...mostly during that first year of dating my sweet husband...he was a runner so I wanted to impress him...the things we do for love.
But it occurred to me that I have actually paid 20 bucks to run in a 10K (6.3 miles) this Saturday. And this morning when I woke up I thought to myself "What were you thinking?!"
Posted by Unknown at 8:23 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Homemaker Perks
To satisfy the curiosity of those (most of whom don't even know this blog exists) who want to know what I do now that the kids are in school for 7 hours I want to announce what I am doing right this very minute!
Right now it is 2:15 in the afternoon. I have done 45 minutes of yoga/pilates; a load of laundry; stuffed, stamped and mailed 75 letters for my Mother's business I; ironed my husbands karate outfit; ate a peanut butter sandwich; studied the material for two bible studies I participate in; called my mother; talked to two Texas friends; let the dog out...twice; figured out what's for dinner and got it half prepared; packed two snacks (for the kids) and the current book I am reading "SisterChicks in Sombrero's" for the carpool line (where I will "park and wait" everyday for 35 minutes); showered; dressed; and now blogged.
This all happened after all the things I did between 5:30-8:30 this morning trying to get two children to school on time. And before I start my Tuesday night "stuff"...
I am not bored. I am not lonely, I do not sit and watch soap operas all day. In fact, I love what I do and I my job description hasn't changed one bit. I still do all the things I did before with two children in the home (only there's a little more stuff to do now since we all have homework, and lunches to be made, and after school classes to get to....etc). Except now it is quieter and I get more done in less time. Which brings me to the subject of "time".
The best thing about being a stay at home mom of school aged children is that I now have time to do my job well.
Time is what is what everyone wants...and as a homemaker "time" is a perk of the profession. I love it and don't feel guilty about it, and I pray everyday that I will use my time wisely...which means: "No, I will not keep your kids three days a week, or clean your house, or do all the things you don't like to do, but because you think I have nothing to do without my kids at home you didn't think i'd mind."
Want to know another perk ...right now it is 2:30 pm I am eating a bowl of Breyer's mint chip Ice cream.
So the truth is sometime I DO sit around at home and eat the proverbial "Bon- Bons".
And, for the record... they are awesome.
La Vida Dulce!
Posted by Unknown at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 17, 2005
The kids have been asking for homemade cinnamon rolls for over a week now. So this morning I got up and spent three hours measuring, kneading and waiting for dough to rise(all to the tune of "are they ready yet?" over and over again )...But The Girl's wait was much longer....When she found out they were FINALLY going in the oven she ran to the living room, got her chair and planted herself in front of the oven door, so as not to miss them when they came out.
I sneaked (snook? Snuck?) this picture.
Posted by Unknown at 1:30 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 16, 2005
It starts!
I was warned that the smells would change. They said the very feel of the air would become different. They were right.
Fall is coming, and you can feel it. The smell of fall floats from time to time in the breeze. I suddenly feel like baking. I begin to start hankering for soup, and bread that has pumpkin or ginger in it. The geese are noisily making their return. And of course the leaves are, gold, deep brown.
Seasons...they are pretty cool.... La vida dulce!
Posted by Unknown at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 09, 2005
Out of the Mouth of Babes
I haven't posted in awhile because it seemed weird to write...I like to write about two things; things that are funny and things that I can complain about in a funny way. With all the gulf coast news I haven't felt funny, and I haven't felt like complaining because I have so much to be thankful for.
Yesterday while I did homework with The Boy, I told The Girl to color, to draw something that she learned in school or something that she was thinking about. She drew this and said:
"I can't stop thinking about all those people and that hurricane. It makes me sad."
Me too babe..Me too.
Posted by Unknown at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Confessions Of A Grade School Mother
I managed to live through the first two days of school (for second grade)...although they weren't void of tears; and I will readily admit that yesterday I came home from the car pool line at 4pm and drank a Mike's Hard Lemonade...all by myself. I actually called a friend after I finished it because I worried that I was drinking alone, because you always hear that people who drink alone have "issues". And you know, that one small bottle might lead to me appearing on Oprah or Dr Phil 5 years from now on the "Desperate Housewives: I Couldn't Stand The Pressure Of The First Week Of School" episode. By the way, this "I'll get caught" paranoia would be why I didn't drink in high school or college...I was always afraid I would get caught...or worse, die; and then my legacy would be "she died at a desert wash party(where kids who live in the southwest go to party) from one sip of really cheap beer while the police raided the party and everyone got away except her"....but i digress.
Next week will be the first week of Kindergarten. Which brings me to my next story....I went to Target to get a few little things that are needed for my Kindergartener. My list included a Strawberry Shortcake lunch box and a towel for her "rest time" blanket. As I was shopping I began to think about how I have spent the last two week really being anxious about this whole 2 kids in school thing...for instance last Wednesday I was feeling a little I ate not one, but two, Snickers bars for lunch...and the ads are right, Snickers really do satisfy. I had never personally eaten 2 candy bars at once (although I have eaten half a bag of "mini" candy bars... and almost an entire 3lb bag of Peanut M&M's.. but those don't count) but I can't say I would never do it again...sometimes life requires chocolate. But anyway, we were shopping at the Target and I realized that there was this woman shopping with her daughter who was obviously shopping for her dorm and getting ready to start school at one of the local universities. It occurred to me that there are so many years ahead of me in my first week of school activities....13 more years of worry, and change, and for goodness sake Target expenditures! I was glad that I was buying a lunch box and a towel...this other mom was buying a small fridge, linens, plates, appliances and, I think, a kitchen sink. But it made me feel good that I was on this side of things...the time will help me to get my act together...who knows what i will be doing 11 years from now when I am shopping with my college kid? For goodness sake i better get a handle on this chocolate and "sauce" problem... 'cuz this is just the beginning.
So this weekend i am focusing on getting my second grader to go back to school next week, and making a plan for my first days alone as an official 'Mom of Grade-Schoolers'.
I better go get all the chocolate products out of my house.
Posted by Unknown at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I'm No David Letterman
10. Clean the closet I have been meaning to get to for the last 8 years.
9. Loose that last 5 pounds of "baby fat".
8. Listen to music that doesn't have anything to do with Barney, Veggie Tales, or Wiggle's.
7. Go to the bathroom...alone.
6. Read the last 5 years of Good Housekeeping that is still wrapped in plastic.
5. Save $425.77 on the "food" budget...since I won't have to buy "kid-in-tow" extra's.
4. Work on that food budget.
3. Address and send the "We Have Moved" cards I ordered in March.
2. Stand outside the window of the kindergarten room until the principle tells me I might want to go home.
1. Chill out and know that the time will go quickly.
Posted by Unknown at 3:53 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 22, 2005
Don't Blink
It seems impossible that three mornings from now I will wake up two children, make two breakfasts, pack two lunches, and then, drop off TWO children at school...
My kiddos are very normal children...they are sweet and loving; they like to laugh and play; they talk incessantly and eat more food known to man;; they protect and defend each other and every once in awhile they have a sibling spat; but mostly they pretend to be Harry and Hermione, Spiderman and Super Woman, Han Solo and Chewbacca; and right now they are working on a backyard fort, made with fallen trees and "buried treasures" that they find in our yard; they get ludicrously silly and out of control... feeding on each other and making the silliness escalate to Out-of-Control proportions; causing the house to rock back and forth with there noise and movement. And, shockingly, they occasionally have bouts with a bad attitude and a tendency toward getting in trouble...
They are fun...
And not only do I love them, I like them...
The "toddler" years go fast...don't blink.
I miss them already...
Come... Summer 2006.
Posted by Unknown at 10:06 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 19, 2005
Being sick
It has been a long time since I have been sick... really sick... I am talking lay in the bed, don't get up, children running around unsupervised 'cause you don't even care if they eat Poptarts for breakfast and lunch sick...
Since I have had children I can't remember being this sick...
But this is the REAL sign that I am not feeling well....yesterday I didn't even want that's sick.
Posted by Unknown at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 29, 2005
It's my Favorite Day!
Friday is my Fave Day...
When I was in high school and college there was a song that the radio guys played every Friday at6:30 am...
Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite day!
Friday, Friday, Friday is my favorite day!
Monday is a bummer.
Tuesday's only fair.
Wednesday's getting better.
Thursdays almost there.
But, Friday, Friday,
Friday is my favorite,
Friday is my favorite,
Friday is my Favorite Day-ay-O!
Have a good weekend!
Posted by Unknown at 12:53 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Well, I seem to be having a case of "Blogger's Block" I am resorting to talk of the weather...
It's hot.
But I am a desert I don't mind the heat.
Posted by Unknown at 7:36 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Summertime in the "Olden Days"
I was feeling a little bit bummed cuz our dog has a bad infestation of ticks (although she is on a monthly preventative) and it is just gross. At 8 a.m I ran out to Petsmart to buy every tick shampoo, collar and spray on the market . I was grumbling (just a little) in anticipation of the morning ahead....the bathing and cleaning and sweeping and vacuuming etc, etc.
After getting back home with several pesky-pet-products I started to give Kona a bath.
While sudsing her up The Boy came over and helped me a bit with the "rinse cycle"...I needed another set of hands to hold down this beast...she's not fond of baths. The Boy, gravitated toward the hose as we finished and before I knew it he and The Girl were playing in the hose, completely dressed, and having a blast.
The Boy often comes to us and asks us about "the Olden Days", and watching these two squeal and play in the water made me remember some fond summer memories.....for instance, my brothers and I grew up in a house that had a covered patio in the back. My brothers and I would spray it with the hose and it became super slippery. And although we had a pool, my brothers and I would spend hours slipping and sliding until our arms, knees and legs were all scraped up and bruised.Also, in the "Olden Days", there were fun things like Bullet popsicles...not the new ones that are red, white and blue, but the real and original Bullet...the orange-on-the-outside-red-on-the-inside kind. And "back in the day" you couldn't find them in a store...your Dad had to drive you to the Circle K... and you had to dig deep in the pint-sized ice cream coolers for one. I haven't found them here, but when I went home to AZ in June I found a box at a grocery store and consumed them happily.
Thinking of all these happy summertime memories of the "Olden Years" (you'd think I was 80) made me less irritated with Kona for galavanting into the woods and catching ticks.
How about you? What are your fun summer memories from "The Olden Days"?
Posted by Unknown at 1:09 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 15, 2005
Happy Summer Moment
I am listening to James Taylor's greatest hits, making chocolate cupcakes (for a BBQ with friends tonight) drinking a diet Lime Coke, and it's Friday...La Vida Dulce.
Happy Weekend!
Posted by Unknown at 3:12 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 14, 2005
I am showing my pearly whites today. Went to the dentist and got them all cleaned up and....drum roll cavities!! For some of you "lucky-toothed" people this will seem incredibly silly...but for those of you who know me and my "dental woes" you know that this is a huge deal! I finally have the "issues", as the dentist would say, resolved, so just for fun I am going to go and get an old filling replaced in September....I thought going 6 months without Novocaine might be like quitting cold turkey so I made an appointment. It's a win-win situation, I get to replace an ugly old silver filling with a pretty new "tooth colored" one, and my dentist gets to take the whole month of August off for vacation to the Bahamas.
So today I might even say that today I have a bird on my finger, except I am feeling a bit like the Cheshire Cat...
I do have to say that I am starting to feel Dental Hygienist was VERY young. She had just graduated this year and this was her first full time job, and she was getting married in September. When I told her I had been married for ten years she gave me that "holy cow" look and then gently tried to brush it off by saying "That's cool!". This happened last month when I got established with a new doc here in town. She was definitely my age or a bit younger...scary.
The only thing that makes me feel better is that my parents will be celebrating there 34 wedding anniversary tomorrow. Now that's old!!! (Hi Dad!)
Posted by Unknown at 4:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
No Birds Today
I should have known that today would be a bit of a bummer when I got up, got ready, got the kids dressed and presentable, and started loading up to go to the dentist, when I realized that my appointment was not today, but tomorrow.
So we had to reschedule what I had planned to do tomorrow and get it done today...
I had been putting off "tomorrow" just by the simple fact that it was to be a "Walmart" day. As most people I know (especially those with chirldren under 12), I have a love/hate relationship that goes with the dreaded Walmart visit. Quite frankly, I'd rather go to the dentist. But sometimes you can't beat the fact that even the Ramen is cheaper...
A friend here told me that there was a Super-Walmart that was not that far, and yet, it was in a different town..."Only about 20 minutes away"--a local phrase that I find myself muttering under my breath as I try to read my Mapsco and navigate down a foreign country road...How I long for the day when I can be driving back roads and short-cuts and actually get to where I am going.....but I digress.
This morning, after driving all over 3 different counties (and I am not kidding) the kids and I never found the Super-Walmart. We did however find a stretch of highway that would take us back to our county and some familiarity: Super-Target.
After taking two hours to get to Target (that is only about 20 minutes from our house), I get my list and begin shopping with two children who are complaining because they "never" get to look at the toys in Target...never, meaning not since last Monday.
Then I got home and the cellular phone issue that our "cellular phone guy" said would be taken care of last month, is not, and we received not one, but two, bills in the mail.
I had a friend in Fort Worth who, when her life was going completely as planned, or if something really awesome happened, she would say "It's like I am walking around with a bird on my finger!" (Think Mary Poppins).
There are no birds today.
Actually, I did buy ice cream this morning...things are starting to look better...
Posted by Unknown at 1:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
A Big, Blogging, Blueberry, Day
I have decided to blog....
Now perhaps I can post pictures and instead of everyone having to get emails every other day you can come to the blog when you need an update or a picture fix.
Today we picked blueberries at a blueberry farm nearby. The picture above is of the 10 pounds of Blueberries we picked...The kids (and I) had fun.
So this is the first, of hopefully, many happy blogging memories (note the bit of sarcasm)
By the way....I picked La Vida Dulce...translated: the sweet life....(it's also the name of one of my favorite coffees) becasue I liked can be my tag line....kind of like the Mexican Martha Stewart....only NICER!
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