Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sunday Summary - John 17:4

Three weeks ago I said I was going start the year by memorizing a new scripture verse each week. I'm still going to do that, but with one change. I had planned to use the church bulletin for their verse of the week but my bible has several different lists from which to choose, and it's always available in the event that we don't make it to church. *It is my intention to write brief thoughts about my weekly memory verse on Sunday's.* Mostly because it will help me to solidify some of the thoughts scripture produces, but also as a means of accountability. This is because from start to finish, a whole year is a long time, and I want to finish this goal of 52 verses memorized this year....Which brings me to this weeks thoughts:

Week 1- John 17:4:

I have brought you glory by completing the work you gave me to do.
These powerful words of Christ had me deep in thought throughout most of the week.

It's in this first week of the New Year that I find myself looking to the horizon and the opportunities of a clean slate. It's always this time of year when I am motivated and ready: Lists must be made, plans written out, goals set. There are workouts to complete, menu's to be made, chores to be done, people to see, money to be made, and Christmas pounds to lose. There are things I want to do, have, see, and make. I know you have them too.

But here's the thing, often times the things that sound great right now are the things I give up on sometime in February. Have you ever been in the middle of something and realized it was ten times more difficult and twice as messy as you thought it would be?

As I began to have this little bit of scripture in my head, I soon began to remember that a strong start is a dime a dozen, but a strong finish is beyond price.

Christ was the ultimate Finisher. He brought glory to God here on earth with His finished work: Undeserved death on a cross (settling our debt for sin, one and for all.)

How much more should I seek to be a finisher in the things He sets before me here on earth!! From thoughts of how I am going to deal with the mountain of laundry on my living room couch, to how to handle ministry, and everything in between, I am to be a finisher: To seek God for wisdom on the work He has given me to do, and do it. Not because I can cross it off a list, (Disclaimer: I love me some lists, they make me feel like I have a modicum of control) or say that I have "been there, done that", but so I might bring glory to God here on earth.

Somehow that helps me want to finish, even, when in the finishing, the prize doesn't seem so grand (for instance, I know I will be folding that same laundry next week!). Christ has given us the perfect picture of being a finisher. We can be finishers by looking to Christ. Realizing that I can bring glory to God, in both the big and the little things, helps me to want to start this New Year not by making a long list of things I can start this next year , but really focusing, on the things that come my way, with the intent of being a finisher.

* If anybody wants to try this little Year of Memorization with me, let me know. I can send you my list for the year (or it will be updated weekly on the blog each Sunday).


meh said...

This was a timely post for me to read! Thanks for that great encouragment!! I am a "starter", it is how God made me, but that means I have to be extremely careful that I bow out and move on only on God's timetable, not when things get hard or I get lazy!