Two weeks ago I bought some cream cheese. Yesterday I decided to make Warm Cream Cheese Brownies from this cookbook. I have made them before, and although the recipe makes an enormous batch, I decided to make them again.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Of Brownies and Birds
Posted by Unknown at 10:06 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Everybody's Doing It, You Should Too
This morning I found this meme here and here. So I thought I would jump on the band wagon too!
Where is your cell phone? Laying on the kitchen table.
Your significant other? Is a saint. He married me almost 13 year ago, and I am certain he had no idea what he was getting into...still he loves me lavishly. Oh, and he’s a hunk.
Your hair? Has roots. Need to call stylist immediately.
Your mother? Has amazing inner strength. More than she knows.
Your father? Is a fabulous cook. He’s also likes to celebrate, which is so important in life.
Your favorite thing? Coffee in the early morning.
Your dream last night? Don’t remember, but I had one last week that is still very vivid. I was taking my family to get a portrait when i stopped by a little decorative waterfall and saw a water moccasin. I decided it would be cool to have a poisonous snake in the portrait, so I picked it up and it bit me. Then i decided it wasn’t such a good idea and needed to get rid of it. Two blond girls approached me and said they had something I could put it in, so we walked to the trunk of their car. On the way, i was hoping I wouldn’t die from a snake bite before I could take the family portrait. In the trunk of the car was an old fashioned make up case. in the case were two hand bags they were going to give away. Holding the snake with one hand I was admiring the hand bags and asked if I could keep them. They said ‘yes’. I put the snake in the make-up case and threw it into a lake.
Your favorite drink? Coffee...of course.
Your dream/goal? To live to a ripe old age with The Mister. To bounce grand babies on my knee. To spoil those babies with sugar and send them back to the parents. To teach bible study more often to small intimate groups. To know Jesus more.
The room you are in? The kitchen/slash breakfast area.
Your ex? Don’t have one. I dated in high school, but never exclusively. The Mister was my first, and only, serious relationship.
Your fear? Leaving my children before they are grown.
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Settled. Not thinking about were we will have to move to next. And I assume looking into college for The Boy! YIKES!
Where were you last night? Co-leading bible study with Mrs. Moofish.
What you are not? I am not as content as I would like to be. I am not a shmoozer. As an old friend used to say, Kellie is “what you see is what you get.” At the time I wasn’t certain I liked that. But today, I would totally take it as a compliment.
Muffins? If they are homemade. I don’t like pre-packaged muffins.
One of your wish list items? Just one!? Ok...A Cuisinart Food Processor
Where you grew up? Right here in southeren AZ.
The last thing you did? Ran on the treadmill.
What are you wearing? A black work out tank and light blue running shorts.
Your TV? Is very dusty.
Your pets? Is the biggest factor for the excessive dust. Her name is Kona and, although I love her, she is completely neurotic, which drives me insane.
Your computer? Takes up so much time. Its a love/hate relationship!
Your life? Is amazing. It’s full. Occasionally hard. Often humorous. But very, very good.
Your mood? Happy. Right now i have happy little exercise endorphins.
Missing someone? I miss my girlfriends that are all over the country. You know who you are.
Your car? Needs to go to the shop. It squeaks really bad when running, but it isn’t the brakes.
Something you are not wearing? Make up.
Favorite store? That depends on what we are buying: shoes, clothes, groceries. But I think right now my favorite store for fun frilly-girl things is Anthropology.
Your summer? Will be pool side. The kids are on swim team with practice every morning and meets twice a week!
Like someone? To what? To clean my house? Absolutely!
Your favorite color? Pink, (and red, and cobalt blue, and...)
When is the last time you laughed? Last night, after bible study Mrs. Moofish and I went to the grocery store. We were in a cupboard crises at my house, having run out of 2% milk and chunk peanut butter (which is a post all it’s own). I was doing an happy dance in the dairy isle, because, y’all, 2% milk was one sale for $2.00 a gallon!!!!! When we walked to the car Mrs Moofish suggested that we put the milk jugs in the back seat,and I jokingly told her to be sure they were very secure, because milk at that price was like gold! When I looked into the back seat she had buckled both jugs in the seat belt. And we laughed so hard at her cleverness! Although with her and I, the laughing never really stops.
Last time you cried? I can’t remember the last time I have had a real good sob. But I get teary nearly every day, over things both joyful and heartbreaking.
Who will repost this? I am thinking maybe Desert Diva.
If you are reading this and haven’t already done it, consider yourself tagged. Let me know if you decided to play!
Posted by Unknown at 1:24 PM 5 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
A La Vida Lunch Break (interrupted)
Posted by Unknown at 4:09 PM 7 comments
Labels: Let's Lunch
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Meeting Darcie
It has been almost three years since I started this blog.
Posted by Unknown at 10:34 AM 4 comments
And The Winner Is...
Thanks to all who participated in the Bloggy Giveaway.
Congrats Kim!
Posted by Unknown at 10:15 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Fried Food is not my Friend
Posted by Unknown at 2:10 PM 8 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Work(s) in Progress...Sort of!
Posted by Unknown at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Avoiding "The Wedge"
How do we keep our life circumstances from placing a wedge between who we are (God's children) and what we need (Christ and His healing)?
He said, "First, Kellie, let's talk about you. When you pray, and I am silent, does that mean I am not there? When you ask me for things in life you want specific answers to, and my answer feels like rejection to you, does that change who I am? Kellie, do what the Canaanite did, and remember the truth. Seek me still. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. I will never leave you or forsake you. I will not change."
Posted by Unknown at 1:45 PM 4 comments
Labels: Bible study, Biblical Women, Faith
Monday, April 21, 2008
Bloggy Giveaway Time! *comments closed*
I am giving this handmade pink and white apron:
It's made from bar towels but has the look of chenille.
Leave a comment and then go check out what others are giving away and sign up there too! I will use a random number generator on the morning of Saturday, March 25th to pick the winner.
The Good News? You don't have to be a blogger to participate! But you do have to have a valid email address.
The Bad News? I'm sorry, but I can only mail to addresses in the US and Canada.
La Vida Dulce!
Posted by Unknown at 8:57 AM 129 comments
Labels: apron, bloggy giveaway, sewing
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A Weekend Recap
Posted by Unknown at 10:19 AM 3 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Whatta-ya think?
I want to post a question to all you Inter-netty people out there.
Shelby says while they largely agreed with the expert panel, which was convened by the Center for the Evaluation of Risk to Human Reproduction, they broadened the areas they felt could be of "some" concern, including effects on the mammary gland, prostate gland, and acceleration of puberty in females.
Both groups agreed that there already was some concern that exposure to the chemical could cause neural and behavioral effects in fetuses, infants, and children
When this finding hit the news a few weeks ago I wasn't very concerned. Mostly, because I my bottle days are over.
But the truth is, there not. I drink from a water "bottle" everyday.
This isn't just a concern for our babies, but for our children, and for people like me who drink 98% of my liquid from a Recycle #7 bottle (these are the plastics made from PBA.)
The Mister and I were talking last night and then we decided to look at our water dispenser bottles.
Yup, #7's.
In a moment of drama I asked him, "Should we switch to glass? Should we throw away all PBA plastics? Should i not allow the kids to drink from water bottles? What about Nalgene, should I go replace everything with those? Why does it feels like nearly everything we eat or drink or touch or experience has always got some element of danger to it? From Puffed Wheat to Water Bottles, is it all poison?"
This is when he sighed, and looked at me lovingly, and calmly said,
"Yup, you can't leave this earth alive."
Oh the voice of reason...
So I will you ask you. Will you let your kids drink from Recycle #7's? Would you switch to glass?
Inquiring water drinkers want to know...
Posted by Unknown at 4:46 PM 12 comments
Labels: Random Poll
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Grocery Store Rebel or the Story of Two
I totally broke all the rules today.
Posted by Unknown at 6:31 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
A Shower Each Day Makes Me Crazy, OK?
This is my bathroom. It's a happy place with it's milk chocolate color and fluffy cream colored towels. But it holds a secret that I can no longer keep to myself....
Actually, a week ago, I was lamenting.
Posted by Unknown at 2:14 PM 9 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
In the"Birdie" Way
Last Friday I opened the back door to let the dog out and something yellow caught my eye up on the beams of the patio. I had been watching two little birds hang out in our yard recently, but it never occurred to me that they were checking out the specs for a brand new home.
Posted by Unknown at 11:27 AM 5 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Puppy Chow for Children and Other Random Weirdness
Howdy Bloggy People~
- Post bagel sleepiness
- Can't. Stop. itching.
- Sugar Hangovers.
- I got ya where I want ya, now I am gonna eat ya
- homemade puppy chow for kids
- Tutu Cancan Boutique Skirt
Posted by Unknown at 7:26 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Lunch Break
I am working from home today, trying to get a big project done for my Mom.
Since it was lunchtime and all, I thought I would come say hello while eating a nice bowl of veggie soup and sourdough toast.
It's actually a chilly day here. Currently it is 63 degrees out side. All my friends in the north just rolled there eyes at me. But when you have been living in the 80's for over a month a twenty degree drop feels drastic!
Anyway, I was looking through some old photos of the kids and I found these three pictures. These were taken almost 5 years ago and they are still some of my favorites.
The Boy hated having his picture taken. The Girl loved it. Only that particular week she wore those glasses everywhere. I had forgotten that in her first four years of life she had naturally curly hair!
Picture taking with small was never easy. But OH! the memories.
Happy Thursday!
Posted by Unknown at 4:02 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Y'all, it is on weeks like this that I would seriously consider homeschooling. But then again maybe homeschooler's have to do standardized testing too. I am not sure.
Posted by Unknown at 2:11 PM 7 comments
Saturday, April 05, 2008
A Hairy Tale
Last week held a lot of TMI here on the blog. We started with some personal issues, moved our way through stomach ailments, ending with the purchasing of undergarments.
Posted by Unknown at 10:21 AM 8 comments