Almost two months ago I got an email from meh's hubby. He was anticipating her birthday and wanted to send her to my house for a visit. It was about three weeks before her finally told her the news!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Weekend Success!
Posted by Unknown at 10:26 AM 6 comments
Labels: friends
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Red Door

Posted by Unknown at 6:43 AM 19 comments
Labels: gratitude
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A Letter to The Boy
Posted by Unknown at 5:00 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Trip in Pictures
I am in a need of a trip to the craft store.
Posted by Unknown at 10:40 AM 13 comments
Labels: az to nc
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fall is in the Air
Just checking in.
Posted by Unknown at 5:16 AM 10 comments
Labels: stuff
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
From There to Here
Posted by Unknown at 4:00 PM 10 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Greetings from North Carolina!
Hello! Hello!
Posted by Unknown at 6:00 AM 17 comments
Labels: North Carolina, The Move
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Greetings From Nashville TN
Good Morning!
It's a fine morning here in Nashville. The sky is overcast and the air is cool, but nothing could dampen our spirits today!
Our long drives are over, and since we found out that our stuff won't be delivered until Friday (instead of tomorrow) we are going to take a little detour through the Smoky Mountains and take the kids to Dollywood!
I have been wanting to go there for a long time, so this little side trip is as much for me as it is for them.
Today we will drive 3 hours to Pigeon Forge and then on Thursday we will drive the short 4 (ish) hours to NC
On a different note, can I tell you how fun it has been to see all your encouraging comments at the end of each day?! Y'all are so fun and it's like you're traveling with me!
While we have enjoyed the beautiful scenery, we have also had a dose of reality. There is nothing more sobering than seeing a caravan of eight or more ambulance and utility trucks, headed to Louisiana and the Gulf states; to prepare for the next round of hurricane. It reminded us to pray for those who are in harms way.
Last thing, when we pulled into Nashville last night the sunset was incredible! It was to our back so when I looked in the rear view mirror it was spectacular! I wish I could have taken a picture!
Oh! And no matter how many times we cross the Mississippi River, it is always incredible. Especially with the city of Memphis on the other side!
OK, it's getting to be time to load up and get going. I pray that y'all are doing well!
La Vida Dulce!
Posted by Unknown at 9:39 AM 9 comments
Labels: The Move
Monday, September 08, 2008
Hello From Ft Smith, Arkansas
Just a quick hello as we check out of our hotel in AR.
Yesterday was our longest day in the car at 9 hours, 30 minutes. But it's worth it to be half way finished.
Good news: The DVD works at 45 minute increments, so we are making do.
Bad news: We have all developed colds. The Girl had a fever the night before we left AZ. She has obediently done what we have taught her her whole life: Share.
Not only has she given it to us, but to my parents as well.
But it's all good and we are looking forward to our drive today, the last of the long drives. THe last two days we are breaking up into 4 hour increments. We should arrive just east of Nashville, just in time for rush hour traffic! Yippee!
Oh, and the homeschooling that was going to get done in the car?
Yeah, right.
OK, The Mister and The Boy are out getting breakfast and I am supposed to be in the shower!!
Gotta Go!
La Vida Dulce!
Posted by Unknown at 9:51 AM 9 comments
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Hello From New Mexico!`
We are here at our hotel just about an hour east of Albuquerque (try spelling that without spell check!)
The day went fairly quickly and was pretty uneventful. Tomorrow will be our longest day of driving as we try to get to Arkansas (Mer, I'll wave hello to your home state!)
The only excitement was when I took Kona the Wonder Dog out for a quick walk. We walked all over the perimeter of a rest stop in NM. When we had been out there for about 5 minutes I came back and passed by a large sign that said, "Danger: Rattlesnakes and poisonous insects. Walk at own risk."
Um, I think I would've liked to have read that sign before I walked The Mutt.
Also, my kids convinced me that we HAD to have a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for the trip, (to eat dry) for a snack. I am very sorry that I tried it this afternoon during a period in which I should have stopped for a Diet Coke. I was sleepy and I needed something to pep me up. For those of you who don't know, Cinnamon Toast Crunch is d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s. Why didn't any on tell me this before? I am pretty sure I ate more than a serving today. But who cares, I'm driving 2300 miles in a car with two kids, a dog and no TV.
Which brings me to my final, and most pressing problem of the day. The DVD was not working properly. It has been acting temperamental for a couple months now, but I was hoping it would make it through one last trip.
I am seeing an expensive trip to Target in my future...luckily they have one in almost every city.
I miss reading the blogs. I will have much to catch up on in the next few weeks! But I wanted to check in and say hello!
Time for bed!
La Vida Dulce
Posted by Unknown at 10:14 PM 8 comments
Headed East
By the time this posts, we should be headed toward New Mexico.
I had so much in my head as to what I would write about this last day as a resident of this warm, desert town. I held in the floodgates that I won't be opened until I have the luxury of time on my own. Most likely that time will come on that first five minutes on the road, when the morning is still dark and the stars can be my cover.
I don't often like to cry in front of others when the grief is my own.
And yet, I know this isn't a goodbye forever. This truly is a "see you soon", since plans for a summer trip are already in the works.
I also look forward with great anticipation to our North Carolina home. It's smells, it's seasons, it's beautiful, soothing accent. I look forward to the greenery, and of course, above all things, seeing the friends we haven't seen face to face in 18 months.
We have much to look forward to. Much to be happy about!
I may be taking a blogging break while we are on the road. But then again, maybe not. We'll see...
I did want to tell you this funny story...
Upon packing our traveling bags I gave the kids list of what to pack, with strict instructions to pack one pair of tennis shoes and one pair of flip-flops. They weren't to pack anything extra, just what was on the list.
Last night as I was rechecking bags (we were at my mom's house for the night) and getting things ready to load in the car, I noticed that The Girl not only managed to pack flip-flops and tennis shoes, but stuffed in the bottom of the bag, were also a pair of brown sandals, sparkly pink slip on sandals and a sparkly handbag. She just couldn't be limited to two pairs of shoes, and she "always uses the sparkly handbag when she uses the sparkly shoes".
You know, that girl is a lot like her mother. I couldn't stick to my own list either...
All right, time to sign off on my last blog post west of the Mississippi...
To my Arizonian peeps: I miss you already!
"Say good things about me, Cuz I've gone to Carolina..."-James Taylor
La Vida Dulce
Posted by Unknown at 8:00 AM 9 comments
Labels: The Desert Life, The Move
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Guitar Playing Packing Man
Posted by Unknown at 8:05 AM 11 comments
Labels: guitar, The Desert Life, The Move
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Burning Rubber
Actually, I am not burning rubber, but the packers who are packing up all nearly finished, and it's just now past 10am. By far, the quickest pack job we've had by far.
Of course when we moved here we got rid of half of what we owned because our house was 500 sq ft. smaller. Why we did that, I'm not sure, especially since we ended up with two completely empty rooms.
I must have been having one of my "cleaning fits".
Anyway, I am not actually at my house right now, but am waiting for the fine people at Discount Tires to replace my two front tires.
Uh, hello? 316 dollars didn't feel so discount, but what's a girl to do? And they aren't burning rubber. And I hate the smell of tires. But I'll stop complaining now.
I am hoping that they will hurry because I have to get home to say goodbye to Willie, our head packer. I hope to blog about him tomorrow because he is a neat guy in his fifties, with amazing talent.
So, that's today's news at the La Vida Household!
I hope you are having a fine Wednesday!
(Can you believe it's September? I went to the Starbucks this morning and they had their Pumpkin Latte posters all over the place! Let the fall begin!)
Posted by Unknown at 12:58 PM 8 comments
Labels: stuff, The Desert Life, The Move
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
A very random "packing" post.
So, it's been a bit of a slow day until this very moment.
Posted by Unknown at 6:30 PM 8 comments
Labels: The Move
Monday, September 01, 2008
The Fruits of My Labor!
Thanks so much for leaving me comments in the last post! It's fun to hear how y'all work the last minute grocery runs!
Posted by Unknown at 10:30 AM 11 comments
Labels: haircuts and two eyebrows, on being a girl, The Move