Well, I've built this baby up for almost a week now.
It’s time to talk.
If you read nothing else in this post, this is what I want you to know…There is a book I found almost five years ago entitled Life Inside the Thin Cage: A Personal Look into the Hidden World of the Chronic Dieter by Constance Rhodes. It’s real. It’s true. It’s researched. It’s worth a read.
Constance is not only an author, but she is the founder of FindingBalance.com, the webs only video based web site for information, help, and resources on Eating and Body Image Issues.
If the title of her book (or website) doesn’t speak to you, I would bet big money that it speaks to someone you know.
I am going to go out on a limb and guess that the title does speak to you.
The posts for today and tomorrow are for you.
Get comfortable, I have some story to tell.
A month ago I made a knee-jerk decision and subsequent wager, thinking little of the consequences. To make matters worse, I blogged about it bringing you into the game without asking.
I decided to go a month without weighing myself. Tomorrow I’ll write specifically on the Weigh Out, since I still have one more day left...I don’t want to weigh count my chickens before they hatch!
However, after a week without weighing I was laying in bed one night, unable to sleep. I began to doubt my decision. Why take something so very personal; something that still sometimes stings with shame; and ‘expose’ it to the world-wide-web? What good could come from doing something so silly?
I finally fell asleep only to awake in the middle of the night, bright eyed and alert.
As laying in bed late at night seems to go, I began to think about what I might do to make this “weigh-out” redeemable; worthwhile. I prayed for wisdom (cuz praying while supine is a sure fix for catchin’ some zzz’s!), but before sleep came a momentary thought sprinted through my mind: Ask Constance to send you a book.
So I did what any other woman might do at three in the morning:
I ignored it.
For several days, at random times, I would suddenly think about asking for a copy of Life Inside the Thin Cage to give away as a prize to one of my readers.
In the interest in making sure I wasn’t completely off my rocker, I pulled my copy from the shelf and began to skim through it. I was reminded of why I liked it so much. This book was one of many things God used in my life to help open the door of my own cage. It gave me glimpses of Truth which I still hold on to today.
This 'book-begging' notion persisted for a week until I finally set myself over the computer and asked for a book.
Through a series of emails, she not only agreed to give me a book, but said she was going to be in Arizona and invited me to coffee.
As it turned out, I arrived at lunchtime and we chatted over burritos in the warm Scottsdale sun. She asked me to share my story with her, and I briefly did so. I was far more eager to know a little more about FindingBalance, but especially the newly launched website The True Campaign.
She explained to me that True is a combined project between FindingBalance and Remuda Ranch and is currently being featured (via video promotional) at Women of Faith conferences around the country.
Constance, and Travis Stewart, her co-director in the True Campaign have a passion:
“We realized that if women could embrace their true God given identity, it would change their perspective on beauty, and thus alter the kind of lives they lead, and the kind of impact they make in the world.”
This is a campaign geared to women, like me and like you, who are chronically, consistently, critically dis-content with our bodies,
“overweight, underweight, or in between. They might be pretty or plain; young or old. Many look completely ‘normal’ on the outside – the right hair, shoes, clothes, makeup...”
I’m talking regular gals we experience everyday life with; the gals we see at work, the church, the school. Oh and also, that amazing woman you see when you look in the mirror.
Will you allow me to be bold for minute?
If you are anything like me you have spent way too much time and energy trying to make your outside “just-so”, but have been left wanting; never satisfied. We want to change, but we’re not sure how.
That is where the True Campaign comes in. It’s also the part where I am going to issue a challenge, and a reward!
Go to the True Campaign and look at the About section. This will give you more detail and some general knowledge of this campaign. Then go to the Give section to learn about the dream Constance and Travis are striving to achieve.
Then I would like to ask if you would consider signing up to be a part of the True Campaign with me.
If you do sign up for the True Campaign I would like for you to come back here and let me know through the comments. Your comment enters you into my giveaway for this week: a signed copy of Life Inside the Thin Cage. You don’t have to be a blogger, but you do need to live in the US or Canada, and you need a valid email address to enter. I will choose a winner on Friday July 4th, Independence Day, baby!
Here is the announcement: If you go here, you will find eight True-isms, located under "True Cards".
Starting tomorrow (July 1st) I will be posting my thoughts on the topic of 'Numbers' and it’s subsequent scripture. I’ll be thinking about one topic/scripture a week and writing my thoughts about it on Sundays. If you’d like to play along, print out the template and keep the cards on hand as a reminder of which Truth we are keeping.
Lastly, if you are a blogger, and you would be willing to link this post sometime this week. That would be awesome too.
All right. I’ve thrown a lot of things at you. I hope you are still here. I will close with a quote from the True Campaign:
"Let’s face it: too many of us dislike our bodies and struggle with eating issues. It’s time to start talking. It’s time to change and take action. For the sake of our future, its time to be True.
Will you be a part of it?"