Saturday, December 08, 2007

Resolutions and Random Poll - December

I know the New Year is still several weeks away but I always like to make two resolutions each year. A spiritual goal, or resolution, to think about what ways I can intentionally seek God in the coming year; and a personal goal, to improve something in my life each year.

I have a friend who each year picks a fruit of the spirit to focus on and apply to her life. Every year when I ask what it is she will focus on I cringe that it might just be "patience". Praying for patience always scares me just a bit...I would hate to have things thrown my way that would require me to actually practice patience! :)

Years ago when she told me of this yearly practice she happened to be focusing on 'gentleness'. She felt being gentle in words, and sometimes actions, didn't always come naturally to her. She desired to be more gentle in her approach with her young children and her husband. That year I watched her begin to wear gentleness with such grace and ease that it could have only come by consistent prayer and devotion to God's Word. It got me to thinking....

So I began to pick something to focus on each year too. Last year I decided that I would read through the entire bible in one year. Although I have read a good portion of the bible over the years (some books like Psalms, the Gospels, and Romans more than others!), I had never committed to reading the whole thing all the way through. Especially, when some parts in the Old Testament could be a little dry (like big chunks of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy).

I have managed to make it through, although I am two months behind (that move across the country in the spring distracted me a bit). I do plan to finish though!

This year I have decided that one area (although there are many others!) of spiritual discipline that I am sorely lacking is in scripture memorization. So this year I have decided that this will be my focus for the year.

Our church conveniently has a short verse listed on the bulletin every week and so I will use that for my guide. If I happen to miss church I will select from a memory list that is in the back of my bible.
I will hopefully keep my memory verse updated in the upper right hand corner of the blog.

I am also pondering a specific personal goal this year, but since I am still uncertain about it, I think I will keep it to myself for the moment.

Here is the La Vida Dulce Random Poll for December:

Do you make New Years Resolutions? What will this years' be?

Have a great Weekend!


Anonymous said...

Way to go on reading the Bible in a year!!! It will be fun to hear how God uses the Bible memory focus this coming year. Goodness is my fruit of the Spirit focus this coming year. (Patience was 2003...I have awhile before that one comes up again. (: ) And I really would like to drink more water. (yes, I am still struggling with that, H2O-lady)

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Scripture memorization is a great goal. I've tried about 5 times to read through the Bible in a year, and I've gotten SO close. I always, always get bogged down in November and December. A godly mentor told me one time not to look at it as not finishing, but rather as having read 3/4 of it, or in my case maybe 9/10 of the Bible. Kudos to you for sticking with it.

I need to do some thinking about my own resolutions. Thanks for getting me motivated.

Lara said...

I always resolve not to make any resolutions and I guess I fail by succeeding?