Homeschool Hardknocks
The students of the La Vida Academy have complained loudly today at the unfairness of the administration.
While the students of traditional school are celebrating a snow day, the slave-driving head teacher, Mrs. CoffeeGal forced them to take the assigned English test.
When asked to comment on her decision to continue school in spite of the neighborhood kids who play in the icy streets, Mrs. CoffeeGal simply replied, "Too bad, so sad. Please take out your composition notebooks."
The school cafeteria worker wasn't quite as cold (pun intended). Feeling sorry for the students she put a kettle on the stove in preparation of hot chocolate with sprinkles and turned up the broiler for a cinnamon-toast breakfast. "Unfortunately, I burned the first batch, but the students don't mind when the fire alarms sound, they enjoy a good fire drill in the snow."

When asked to give a statement on having to work in such treacherous and blizzard like conditions she said, "I don't mind too much. I get to work in my fuzzy slippers and drink as much coffee as I please."
The students did back-pedal just a bit when at 10:00a a recess was called. They proclaimed their gratitude with rosy cheeks and runny noses and said, "Its really cold outside!"

While sitting down to a cup of tea, Mrs. Coffee gal seemed to thaw out a bit. "You know," she said, "its hard for these kids to work through a traditional snow day, but they will be happy come April when we declare a 'sunshine day' and head out for a day-hike or a picnic in the park."
We're having the same discussion at our house this AM and the same response. Glad I'm not the only one. We'll be at the pool in the spring when everyone else is in class! ;)
haha!! this is great! :)
Cute! We are enjoying the snow too!
I love it..maths and literacy have never been so reluctant before going out to play and realizing how cold it actually is !!
I'm with you! Mine were complaining too until I reminded them that we'll be at Disney for a week in April when their neighborhood friends will be in school.
The teacher-mom in this house has her eyes on the prize..a warm, sunny day at the pool with a good book, no school, and an ice cold sweet tea.
Because of this, we do school when it's cold, icy and miserable outside...even if everyone is cold, icy, and miserable inside.
The fire drill comment cracked me up. :)
I could have written this exact post for our casa! There was almost a mutiny here. We plowed through with a little bribery and finished early enough to do a snow hike.
Love it! Makes me miss my homeschooling days!!
Hi Kellie. I love your blog! I will be sharing an award with you at Tangled Happy tomorrow. I would love if you stopped by to see. Thank you! Sara :)
Tell your kids on Saturday that their regular school counterparts have a make-up day.
That'll quit their belly-aching.
I was just reviewing these same exact facts with my own rascally students. "But why do we have to have school when our friends had 3 snow days?" In which Mrs. Raising Rascals answered, "Because I'd rather call school off for sunshiney days at the park come Spring..."
They'll think us one day. In April.
Hmmm....perhaps they'll "think" us, too. But, "THANK" is more likely.
you are just so clever... I giggled through this whole post.
*sigh* I do love you so!
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