Tuesday, June 09, 2009

-Pool Side Randomness-

I am sitting at the pool under a shade umbrella, sweating.

I had forgotten how the shade here may bring respite from the scorching rays of the sun, but with the humidity this girl is always "glowing".

In other news, who knew I would suddenly find myself in a blogging slump? Certainly not me! I have a lot of things swirling in my head these days, but the time and energy? Its poorly lacking.

To combat my busy-ness I have managed to SIESTA for an hour of reading three whole days in a row. I didn't SIESTA much last week in an attempt to get things done after a weekend away. 

I may have over done things last week based on my energy levels this weekend.

On Saturday night I literally fell asleep watching a movie during pizza night. I was in a deep sleep by 7:45. The Mister woke me up at 9pm and told me to go to bed.

In my defense we were watching Mall Cop. Want my review? It was so good I slept through 3/4's of it....

Pool time is coming to a close. Do you think the dinner fairy will have come to my house while I was away?

A girl can dream.


Carpool Queen said...

The CPQ Review of Mall Cop: Lamest movie since Nacho Libre.

The end.

I took a nap today after the museum excursion. Life is much better.

Lisa said...

Ahhhh, sunshine and kids out of school is the perfect reason to NOT blog!

Thanks for the movie review — I'll take that off our NetFlix list. Bedtime Stories was our most recent movie...I thought it was great!

Amber said...

Mall Cop had the same effect on me. Snoozed right through.

Lori said...

The pool sounds lovely! I'm jealous!!

Woman Interrupted said...

It's the summer and the heat, except it has the opposite effect on kids.

Glad to know not to waste my dollar on the Redbox for that one.

Anonymous said...

Glad to know Mall Cop was a bust.. CPQ review = awesome! I am up at 11:45.. cleaning.. and figuring out why we have no hot water.. cause a girl needs a shower in the morning!

I had a softball coach that told me girls don't sweat they "glisten." We played 6 games in one day when it was 98 degrees out.. he changed his tune around game 4 ;-)

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

I let my kids watch Mall Cop today by themselves while I attempted to nap. Couldn't really fall asleep b/c Abbey wasn't feeling well. I need a siesta!

Tiffani said...

ahh, poolside...minus mojitos and ownership of said pool could bring me down but if they kids are enjoying it, hey, that's good stuff! :)

Had no desire to see Mall Cop before..thanks for sealing the deal, friend!

Oh, and if you meet the Dinner Fairy..please send her to G-Town!

Rae said...

I love your Siesta idea and can't wait for our summer to start so I can implement Siesta in my household!!

Mall Cop? Ugh. We got it from Redbox last week and I couldn't even sit down and watch it. Soooooo baddddddd!

If you ever see the dinner fairy will you kindly ask her to come to my house when she is done at yours?

Michele said...

Girl. . . sounds like the 2 of us are in the same boat. I was so tired yesterday I feel asleep at 6:30, woke up at 8:00, then back to sleep at 8:45. The bloggy thing I am not feelin' either. I don't know why. Lots to blog about. Thinking about blogging . . . but actually blogging for me? I just haven't been into. I haven't been reading them either . . . so I've missed out on what's been going on out here! Hope you get your energy back!!

Gretchen said...

Seems I'm not the only one to catch some zzzzs during movie nights. Sometimes, when we finally sit down, our bodies realize they're tired. :)