Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A Sundry Post
Posted by Unknown at 7:02 AM 6 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
Gladitudes: The Weekend
I'm participating in Gretchen's Glatitudes today.
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.I guess what he was saying is that it sucks to get old (knees included), but there is always the hope of eternity! :)
Posted by Unknown at 6:00 AM 14 comments
Labels: Gladitude
Friday, June 26, 2009
If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join Em
Several of my bloggy friends are going "random" today.
Comparison is the quickest road to failure. It's a forked path. One way leads to Discontent. The other leads to the sister-cities: Never Starting or Quitting.Both roads lead to Nowhere.
Posted by Unknown at 3:36 PM 13 comments
Labels: random thoughts
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Of Blankets and Alligators
I have been wanting to show you this picture for some time now. The Girl had a birthday in early February. It was frigid outside and I was longing for warmer weather. So I made her this cake, in celebration of the heat to come.
Alligators consume food that cannot be eaten in one bite by allowing it to rot or by biting and then spinning or convulsing wildly until bite-size chunks are torn off. This is referred to as the "death roll." A hard-wired response developed over millions of years of evolution, even juvenile alligators execute death rolls when presented with warm fuzzy blankets chunks of meat.Now back to the issue.
Posted by Unknown at 7:42 AM 16 comments
Labels: Silly Things I Do
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Encouraging Pencil Pusher
I found a fun gift while window shopping in Michigan a couple weeks ago.
Posted by Unknown at 5:27 AM 16 comments
Labels: Work in Progress
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sweet Surprises
If you know me in real life, you probably know that I love mail.
Posted by Unknown at 5:55 AM 18 comments
Labels: North Carolina, paper crafts, southern living
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Happy Day
Posted by Unknown at 6:40 AM 15 comments
Labels: everyday life
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 11:02 AM 14 comments
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
10 on 10: Things I'll do Today
There is nothing I like more than a list.
Posted by Unknown at 8:02 PM 17 comments
Labels: 10 on 10
-Pool Side Randomness-
I am sitting at the pool under a shade umbrella, sweating.
I had forgotten how the shade here may bring respite from the scorching rays of the sun, but with the humidity this girl is always "glowing".
In other news, who knew I would suddenly find myself in a blogging slump? Certainly not me! I have a lot of things swirling in my head these days, but the time and energy? Its poorly lacking.
To combat my busy-ness I have managed to SIESTA for an hour of reading three whole days in a row. I didn't SIESTA much last week in an attempt to get things done after a weekend away.
I may have over done things last week based on my energy levels this weekend.
On Saturday night I literally fell asleep watching a movie during pizza night. I was in a deep sleep by 7:45. The Mister woke me up at 9pm and told me to go to bed.
In my defense we were watching Mall Cop. Want my review? It was so good I slept through 3/4's of it....
Pool time is coming to a close. Do you think the dinner fairy will have come to my house while I was away?
A girl can dream.
Posted by Unknown at 6:11 PM 11 comments
Friday, June 05, 2009
Friday Fun-day
Today we have a big day planned with the Carpoolqueen and babies A, B, and C.
Posted by Unknown at 6:45 AM 5 comments
Labels: about a lot of nothing
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Archives: No Birds Today

I should have known that today would be a bit of a bummer when I got up, got ready, got the kids dressed and presentable, and started loading up to go to the dentist, when I realized that my appointment was not today, but tomorrow.
So we had to reschedule what I had planned to do tomorrow and get it done today...
I had been putting off "tomorrow" just by the simple fact that it was to be a "Walmart" day. As most people I know (especially those with chirldren under 12), I have a love/hate relationship that goes with the dreaded Walmart visit. Quite frankly, I'd rather go to the dentist. But sometimes you can't beat the fact that even the Ramen is cheaper...
A friend here told me that there was a Super-Walmart that was not that far, and yet, it was in a different town..."Only about 20 minutes away"--a local phrase that I find myself muttering under my breath as I try to read my Mapsco and navigate down a foreign country road...How I long for the day when I can be driving back roads and short-cuts and actually get to where I am going.....but I digress.
This morning, after driving all over 3 different counties (and I am not kidding) the kids and I never found the Super-Walmart. We did however find a stretch of highway that would take us back to our county and some familiarity: Super-Target.
After taking two hours to get to Target (that is only about 20 minutes from our house), I get my list and begin shopping with two children who are complaining because they "never" get to look at the toys in Target...never, meaning not since last Monday.
Then I got home and the cellular phone issue that our "cellular phone guy" said would be taken care of last month, is not, and we received not one, but two, bills in the mail.
I had a friend in Fort Worth who, when her life was going completely as planned, or if something really awesome happened, she would say "It's like I am walking around with a bird on my finger!" (Think Mary Poppins).
There are no birds today.
Actually, I did buy ice cream this morning...things are starting to look better...
Posted by Unknown at 5:44 AM 10 comments
Monday, June 01, 2009
Home Again, Home Again
Posted by Unknown at 9:17 AM 8 comments