Thursday, October 30, 2008
Posted by Unknown at 1:59 PM 6 comments
Labels: laundry, Silly Things I Do
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Painting, Ponderings and Pap Smears
Posted by Unknown at 10:23 AM 19 comments
Labels: Silly Things I Do
Monday, October 27, 2008
Bloggy Giveaway Time! *comments closed*
I love the Bloggy Giveaway. And I love aprons.
The Good News? You don't have to be a blogger to participate! But you do have to have a valid email address.
The Bad News? I'm sorry, but I can only mail to addresses in the US and Canada.
La Vida Dulce!
Posted by Unknown at 9:18 AM 167 comments
Labels: apron, bloggy giveaway, things I love
The ONLY Political Post You Will Ever See On This Blog
My friend Stephanie J. over at Bike Book Bread has this post up regarding the election that really makes me say AMEN!!!
Posted by Unknown at 5:22 AM 9 comments
Labels: stuff
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Weekend Advice
You know how there is a blog carnival called "Works for me Wednesday"?
Posted by Unknown at 9:24 AM 14 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
This and That
Thank y'all so much for the great birthday wishes! I read (and re-read!) every one of them.
Posted by Unknown at 5:19 AM 10 comments
Labels: birthday, books I read, stuff
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
It's a Great Day!
You may have heard me say this on the blog before, but I love birthdays! Even my own!
Samuel Francis Smith, Clergyman and hymnist, wrote "My Country Tis of Thee"
Alfred Nobel, Swedish inventor and founder of the Nobel Prize
Dizzy Gillespie, American musician
Celia Cruz, Cuban singer; Considered the "Queen of Salsa"
Whitey Ford, Major League Baseball player
Judy Sheindlin, American judge and television host
Benjamin Netanyahu, 9th Prime Minister of Israel
Rich Mullins, Christian musician
Carrie Fisher, American actress and writer
(Go on over and wish Darcie a happy day!)
In the spirit of birthdays and gift giving I need to give out an award that I have been holding onto for far too long.
Sweet Janel, over at Dandyliondayz awarded me with this:
Janel, I love reading your blog and hope that someday we might meet face to face!
I can't remember how many people I am supposed to pass this off to, so I will go with three. I am passing this award onto meh of Biding My Time, because I think it will make her laugh, and we often do that together.
I also give this award to Blue Skies and Mama in High Heels. Because they are fun, homeschoolin' moms and I love to read their blogs!
If you happen to share a birthday with me today, Happy Birthday! If not, I'm passing out cupcakes, Chocolate or Vanilla?
Have a fantastic day!
Posted by Unknown at 6:24 PM 31 comments
Labels: birthday, Silly Things I Do
Monday, October 20, 2008
Happiest of Birthdays: An Open Letter to Mom
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bloggy Advice
I swear I am going to write about (and giveaway) the sweet award Janel sent me last week, but I have to put it off for just one more day!
Posted by Unknown at 4:16 PM 20 comments
Labels: Work in Progress
Monday, October 13, 2008
Just a Note
As I type it is 8:15 on Monday.
Posted by Unknown at 8:14 PM 5 comments
Labels: stuff
Friday, October 10, 2008
Friday: A Favorite Day
Posted by Unknown at 3:52 PM 15 comments
Thursday, October 09, 2008
I Feel the Love
A few weeks ago a friend in real life asked me this question:
Who are all these people who comment on your blog?
This friend, a blogger herself, wasn't being derogatory, she was making more of a statement than anything else. But, I know that there are those out there who think blogging is a waste of time,; Time perhaps better spent in real (tangible) relationship.
Although I know blogging cannot replace real life realtionship with people. I do have an answer as to why I blog.
I could give you a long answer, but I'll just tell you in three words:
They're my friends.
I may not have had a conversation face to face with many of these awesome ladies, but I have prayed for them, shared recipes with them, shed tears with them, and experienced their joy.
Blogging is a sweet community. Some may scoff; some may say that community cannot happen without a place to gather face-to-face, and that's OK.
Community is often built out of uncommon means. Although, I am not sure blogging is all that uncommon anymore and I am so glad to have met people I would never have had the opportunity to know otherwise!
Anyway, somewhere in this crazy blogosphere, some creative gal started making awards. I have been the recipient of two this week.
First, Rae of My Life On the East Coast has awarded me with the Smile Award:

Here are the characteristics of the Smile Award:
~You must display a cheerful attitude.
~You must show love to others.
~You must make mistakes.
~You must learn from others.
~You must be a positive contributor to blogging.
~You must love life.
~You must love kids.
Here are the rules for the Smile Award:
~You must link back to the award creator. (Oops...I don't know who the award creator is!)
~You must post the rules if you are a recipient.
~You must choose 5 people to pass the award to.
~You must fit the characteristics of the award.
~You must post the characteristics of the recipient of the award.
~You must create a post sharing your win with others.
~You must thank the giver of the award.
Wow! There are a lot of rules to this award! But I am grateful for the opportunity to tell you why I enjoy getting to know Rae through her blog.
First she has amazing style. She post often about things she sees and things she is doing to embellish her home. She is also a hip momma who isn't afraid to show the reality of motherhood!
I happily nominate 5 sweet blogger-gals for the Smile Award who aren't in my blog roll (because I always forget to update my blog roll!!)
Tiffani of Bear and Belles. If you look up the word Encourager in the dictionary, this girl's picture will be there. If er heart is as half as big in real life as it is via the Internet, I am uncertain how she contain it! Seriously, this southern belle is as kind as they come.
Stefanie J: of Bike, Book, Bread is an in-real-life friend. Now, this girl is S-M-A-R-T. Really smart. But she is kind and tender-hearted, and has an amazingly great desire to honor God. She is also very talented. She is actually reading a book to learn how to crochet, and has made some amazing things for a wee beginner! (I am always impressed with direction readers...I am not one.) Anyway, Stef also makes a mean loaf of bread. Bread is not just a hobby, It's her passion!
Meet Leslie from More from Les. Les is a blogger who is always doing fun things with her kiddos. Whether it's leading her daughters Girl Scout Troop, to having tea parties with Buzzlight Year and a stuffed animal named Garth Brooks, she is having a blast!
I am not even sure how Lindsey and I hooked up, but I am so glad we have. You can find her at The Whitcomb Family blog. where she posts about her pride and joy, Sammy! Lindsey is a hard working momma, juggling both motherhood and career. She likes hanging out with family and she has a love for dogs! (Although just between you and me, I have a hunch that her soft spot for animals isn't limited to dogs!)
And last but certainly not least, Life With Three written by Michelle. Michelle is an energetic gal who is also a contributor to the ever popular Chic Critique productive review blog. I love looking at pictures of her family at the beach, or laughing while I read funny stories of her with her kids, but what I really enjoy are her Works for me Wednesday posts. My favorite one was on how she figured out how to pack a lunch with out having to sell one of her children to pay for it.
Whew! This post is long! Sweet Janel of Dandylion Dayz also gave me an award but i think I will save that until tomorrow!
Until then,
La Vida Dulce!
Posted by Unknown at 2:41 PM 11 comments
Labels: awards
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Why People Like Me Should Just Buy From The Pottery Barn
I started this project last week.
Posted by Unknown at 12:57 PM 25 comments
Labels: crafts, sewing, Silly Things I Do
Monday, October 06, 2008
On Homeschooling and What I Am Learning
Posted by Unknown at 12:19 PM 14 comments
Labels: homeschool
Thursday, October 02, 2008
I'm So Vain....
I sometimes think this blog is all about me...

Posted by Unknown at 3:58 PM 10 comments
Labels: haircuts and two eyebrows
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Finding Normal and a Random Poll
Hey there good bloggers! And readers!

Posted by Unknown at 3:03 PM 12 comments
Labels: fall, haircuts and two eyebrows