Ah! Friday. Such a good day.
This morning I've taken my breakfast outside to the red chairs.
We have had an uneventful week. I went running with my friend early yesterday morning and while we were out there was something in the air that was so familiar. I don't know if it was the humidity or the smell of morning green that hung in the air, but it was decidedly summerish.
I came home and cut open the first watermelon of the season.
Yes, summer is coming...

It was delightfully sweet. I think it might be my favorite fruit of summer.
Speaking of delightful, I've been meaning to post this tree that is blooming in our back yard. I don't know what it is, but the blossom just makes me happy.

The picture makes it look like they are huge, but one of those flowers is about the size of a thumb nail... So, so delicate.

I think my favorite part is the faintest brushing of pink on the backside of each petal...

maybe my favorite part is how they open up with their faces pointed down, so those of us standing underneath can appreciate the fullness of their beauty.
I am so grateful that the blossom in the yard each take turn to showcase His glory. I just couldn't handle it if they all bloomed at once...
Everyday I look forward to going outside to see what new flower will be awake. This morning the rhododendron are happy and light. They are my favorite
front-yard flower.

We've had a bit of a "creature" problem here in the Little Yellow House on the Hill. We had mice in the garage, snakes in the garden...

And now we have bats in the attic (we'll be taking care of that problem this weekend...
And by "we" I mean The Mister.) But my favorite woodland insect this week was the newly hatched Luna Moth who rested on our front porch while his wings got ready for flight.

I love the Luna Moth... Heartier, hairier and heavier than its cousin the butterfly, but beautiful just the same...
It's time to go get my favorite kids out of bed, so I will close with my favorite quote from this weeks devotional:
There is freedom in dependence. It enables each of us to accept our vulnerability. We no longer have to hide in shame or self-sufficiency. You and I can choose to lean on our Father amid a full range of disastrous and delightful events, praying, "Please, God, rescue me! Come quickly, Lord, and help me" (Psalm 70:1).