Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Morning Gift

The morning was dark and cold when I rolled out of bed. 

I got up. 


Headed out the door. 

Unaware of the beauty yet to come.

I ran with my friend while the sun rose in the east, 

birds chirping; hands cold as ice. 

Then we were done.

My morning, 

ready for new mercies and smiling faces. 

As I dashed from her door, her son practiced on the piano. 

The simple melody... 

"...I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see."



The sun brings warmth to the morning.

I'm humming the Truth, 

which stirs the embers in my heart.

My eyes are opening to the grace of this day.

"T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far,

And Grace will lead us home."


Amazing grace.

One little boy plays at the piano

and it reminds me of

The gift I could not earn. 

Or purchase.

A wonderful present I do not deserve.

Freely given. Freely received. 

Praise! Adoration!


Right now.  


"When we've been here ten-thousand years,

Bright shining as the sun.

We've no less days to sing God's praise

Than when we first begun."


Gretchen said...

This takes my breath away...

Love you and the amazing Grace which brought us together as friends.

Candace said...

Beautiful post and that last picture is a beauty!!! Much love to you today, friend!

Megan O. said...

Hi Kellie! Long time, no "talk"! I miss your blog. I need to catch up. You always encourage me with your heartfelt words and your "realness". Plus its just so dang beautiful where you live. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment--hoping I'm really reentering the blogiverse for real this time. :)