I waited as long as I possibly could to post, in hopes that I would have excited and great news.
Turns out I may have counted my chickens.
We tried over the last 10 days to buy not one, but two, houses here in our new home town. But both offers fell through. This is probably a good thing since our home in NC isn't sold (or even being looked at...but I am not bitter or anything...more like extremely impatient).
We got a little excited early this week when someone came to look at our NC house for the second time (although there wasn't any record he had been there the first time) and our hopes were dashed when we found out it was an empty lead.
It's all right though because today I had my hair cut and colored. I had my eyebrows waxed and I ate not one, but two, sushi rolls. Currently I am binging on blue and pink cotton candy leftover from the county fair. Which brings me to my next subject... (and lets you know that all emotions can be overcome with proper spa treatments... and sugar).
Yesterday my Dad and I took the kids to the County Fair. The kids had a blast and my dad and I came home ready to fall into a deep, deep nap. There is nothing like taking not one, but two, kids to a fair pumping them up with soda, junk food and cotton candy and then standing in the heat for the roller coaster ride. Honestly, it was really fun and the kids are ready to go back next year.
One of the things I love best about going somewhere that has a high volume of people is because I think people watching is enjoyable. And at this fair we were not disappointed. We found not one, but two, sweet characters that were the most fun to watch....
Friday, April 27, 2007
Not One, But Two, Chickens
Posted by Unknown at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 20, 2007
Holy Smokes It's Friday!
Wow, it's been a long week.
I haven't felt much like blogging, what with the happenings in the world this week.
Sometimes saying less is better.
I am glad that it is Friday.
We have some potentially exciting news going on here but I am afraid to count my chicks before they hatch. I did want to check in just in case there are people who still read my blog and let you know that I haven't been wandering about in the desert.
I hope you have a fantastic weekend and I will be blogging again soon! Perhaps with a fun announcement!
Posted by Unknown at 8:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
A Day at the Race
On Sunday I ran the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 5K. My gym sponsored a team so my sister-in-law and I signed up to run.
From the look on my face above you'd think I was about to embark in the Boston Marathon (which also took place this weekend) but the reality is that running in a Race for the Cure 5K does more for the heart than a cardiovascular workout.
It was more than emotional to see survivors walking, and some being pushed in their wheelchairs because the treatment that heals is more debilitating than the cancer itself.
And to see runners with hot pink signs on their back that read
"in Memory of:"
"In Celebration of",
many wore more than one.
I love participating in races because it is always a bit of a celebratory event, but none more than the Race for the Cure.
I am often motivated to make a better time than my last race. Driven to do better than the race before. But at this race I was smiling at the finish line.
Glad to be healthy.
Glad to run.
Happy to be part of something that is more than a workout.
More than a number of time...
It's about being alive and running for hope.
~La Vida Dulce

The kids and I get our picture with Wilbur and Wilma.
Posted by Unknown at 11:41 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Random Poll - April
About a week ago I crashed my mother's book club. After they discussed their book they sat down for some dessert. The conversation turned to grammar and mis-spelled words. The consensus was that broccoli and zucchini are words that give trouble when one is trying to spell.
Forget about vegetables! i have bigger issues! I just realized today that the word, alot, is not spelled together. It is spelled, a lot. Two words.
I have been spelling that sucker wrong forever (or is it, for ever?). I also thought, may be, was spelled in two words. But alas, it is in fact one. Maybe.
The random poll for this month is this:
What words do you continually have trouble spelling?
La Vida Dulce!
Posted by Unknown at 4:42 PM 3 comments
Labels: Random Poll
Monday, April 09, 2007
Easter Hike
Since we haven't found a church home yet, and we were about to experience our first holiday shared between two families, we decided to spend our Easter morning in the desert as a family.
The air was cool as the sun tried to warm up the day. The birds were happy (including two roadrunners we saw looking for breakfast), and the blooms of spring made the smell fragrant and fresh.
The desert is so incredibly beautiful with those Saguaro cacti standing so proud! We were relaxing and enjoying a beautiful Resurrection Sunday.
Imagine our surprise when, about a mile into the canyon we ran into this sign.
Our family of four would probably make the perfect Easter dinner for a Mountain lion or two. Perhaps skipping church wasn't too wise?
Thankfully we did not run into a mountain lion! And we enjoyed visiting with our families this year and being a part of all the festivities.
La Vida Dulce!
Posted by Unknown at 10:27 PM 0 comments
The Girl and The Mister at the end almost of almost every family hike.
I have taken this exact picture in Texas, Montana, Colorado, North Carolina, Tennessee and Arizona!
Posted by Unknown at 5:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 06, 2007
Last Saturday my mom and I took The Girl to a local nursery to buy some seeds and flowers for The Girl to plant. It just happened to be Rose Week at the nursery and the rose bushes were so incredible that I had to buy one.
When we left we both had roses and various other flowers to put in the patio.
This nursery was amazingly busy! Everybody and their mother's were there shopping. When it was time to check out there were two very old ladies in line ahead of us. They had bought three little flats of pansies and vincas and the checkout lady had put them in a small box. The ladies whom I found out where named Dottie and Helen had asked for assistance to their car but because the nursery was so swamped with customers there was no one to help them. I handed my mom the cash for my roses and told her I would help these sweet ladies by carrying their small purchase to the car.
As we were walking I learned that Dottie and Helen lived at an assisted living community a couple of miles away. I am familiar with this place because it's where my Grandma lived for a few years before she needed more full time care. I asked if they knew her and it became apparent that asking them to remember someone who lived there was probably moot because at this very moment we were walking up and down the parking lot while Dottie and Helen tried to remember where they had parked their car. Helen told me that she usually has her walker with her which helps when she buys packages because then she can balance her packages on it and get them to her car. But she didn't use it today cause it "slows her down". Dottie then was telling me that she has a grey car and that she usually always parks in the same place.
Dottie and Helen were quite a pair and after about 3 or 4 minutes of walking through the parking lot we finally found their car.
Dottie opened the back door and I placed the box of flowers on the seat. I wished them a good day and started to walk in the other direction when Helen grabbed my arm and nudged in real close, like she was going to tell me a secret. She said "I always tip the boy who helps me, so here you go." and she slipped a rolled up dollar bill into my hand. I was so taken back that I didn't have time to say thank you before she and Helen were taking off quickly through the parking lot. Way too fast for two 80 year old women who could barely see over the steering wheel.
Posted by Unknown at 11:45 AM 2 comments