Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year

Whew! The last of the Christmas boxes have been put away for another year!

I seem to be suffering from a bit of writers block. Of course it could be because I am still busy trying to think of resolutions to make for the New Year...Or maybe it is because I can't type and try to fold laundry load #7 of 2006 at the same time.

I will tell you a story I have saved for such a time as this...

One day last summer on a warm afternoon I learned I must always choose my words wisely. Even if only in a quick and informal conversation.

I was talking to my neighbor and her college aged daughter. I had just purchased a new pair of shoes. When we were talking she mentioned that she wanted to find some new shoes for the beach. This is where I burst out a statement that I will never again do in public: "I just bought a new pair of thongs for $15 bucks at Costco!"

My neighbor and her daughter looked at me with eyes that told me something was desperately wrong...except it took me a few seconds to register what it was...this is when I practically shouted "Flip Flops! Flip Flops! I bought a pair of Flip flops!"


cdub said...

kinda like when i'm playing my guitar and bust a string...i shouldn't really shout "i broke my g-string!"