Friday, October 25, 2013

Again October

Fall is here. I am happy.

We've done several little hiking trips as a family. It really is the best time to be outside, with the cooler temps and low humidity. The colors haven't been quite as brilliant as they have been in years past, but the change in scenery is just enough to make one ready to bake with pumpkins and settle in for a long winter.

I love October, the colors, the smells. Of course my Octoberlove could also be that a certain birthday comes around. This year is Forty-One. So much easier than that round number last year. The big 4-0 has been fairly pleasant, if you don't pay too much attention to those places of wrinkle, creak and expand. I'm finding the B-U in BeaUtiful, is becoming easier. Life is too short for anything else.

I was (again) lavishly loved this year by friends and family. I am well loved and cared for, not just on my birthday, but every single day. There is no other turn but gratitude. October reminds me to serve others well. Oh, that I'll remember that throughout the year.


Gretchen said...

How grateful am I that our God put you in my path...Gratitude is the only turn, indeed. xxxooo

Kim said...

You are so pretty!