Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June Morning and Other Sundry Things

7:35 a.m. - This June day... overcast and misty, growing calescent before the rising sun. The damp brings to mind  Seattle, with a hot southern twist. The greens, bold and vibrant; the browns, harmony.  On days like today I still pinch myself as I walk through our little acre. Who knew that a desert dweller like me would someday make the piney woods her home? Seriously, those beautiful trees are in my back yard.  I get to look at them every day. And on days like today, all dewy and warm, the forest is in her glory.

Though last week the temps were rising, the summer has (so far) been mild. My garden has taken a leisurely pace in production. Normally, I'm picking produce by the boxful this time of year, but there are signs of bounty: tomato blossom and cucumber bloom announce the coming goodness.

But the weeds, they're good and faithful, rain or shine.

We found a secret flower growing in our yard. Tucked between the front hedge and the side of the house lives a lonely lilly; crimson and yellow. She's beautiful, and happy, all by herself... how she got there, we'll never know.

Ah, June, how lovely you are...